  • 學位論文


The appraisal of core competency of new Physical Therapist under the post-graduate year training program.

指導教授 : 邱瓊萱


專業發展的基石在於人才,唯有培養出好的人才,專業才能進步,並對民眾健康有所貢獻。隨著衛生署委託醫策會執行「二年期物理治療師畢業後一般醫學訓練計畫」的實施,已在臨床實務上已逐漸建立起制度,依照專業醫學會與醫療院所共同訂定的核心目標與課程,更可培育出對組織目標具認同感醫事人員。因此了解目前正在接受此制度的新進物理治療師其受訓成效是一件值得研究的議題。 本研究採取360度回饋評估新進物理治療師經二年期物理治療師畢業後一般醫學訓練計畫的核心能力,研究對象是選定北部二家區域教學醫院以普查方式針對正在參與二年期物理治療師訓練計畫的15位PGY學員進行研究。評估過程是以每位物理治療師PGY學員填寫一份自評問卷、學員的老師根據本研究所發展的mini-CEX問卷來評估學員的核心能力、再請PGY學員的二位同儕填寫Multi-source Feedback同儕問卷及學員所負責治療的一位病人填寫病人問卷。此外,本研究另外蒐集9位學員歷年成績檢定前後測的差異。 研究結果顯示,各類問卷與學員職級的成效評估方面大部分是PGY2學員的成績高於PGY1學員;在mini-CEX問卷部分人口學變項(學員性別、留任意願)與學習成效無顯著差異;學員成績經前後測比較有顯著差異,以後測成績高於前測成績,不過在身體評估及諮商衛教構面較於其他構面差;在360度回饋評估方面,學員自評分數高於老師及同儕,而病人分數高於自評。 根據結果顯示學員後測成績高於前測成績,表示二年期物理治療師畢業後一般醫學訓練計畫有助於提高新進物理治療師之核心能力;透過360度回饋能看出學員自評與他評之差異,能協助新進物理治療師了解未來可加強學習之方向。因此本研究建議二年期物理治療師畢業後一般醫學訓練計畫可繼續實施,有助於提高新進物理治療師之核心能力,而在評估新進物理治療師之核心能力時可透過360度回饋,讓新進物理治療師更快掌握未來學習方向。


Talent is the cornerstone of Health Profession. Only good talent could assure the quality of care and set up the highest standard of practice. The Post-graduate Year Training Programing for physical therapist hosted by the Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation (TJCHA) was introduced in the year of 2007 in order to enhance the professional competency and ultimately assure the quality of care to patients. To reach the desired core competency set up by the professional Medical Association and hospitals, the paramedical staff could take the training program within two years. Therefore, this study is aimed to devise the instrument and to understand how well the new physical therapist work in this system. This study used 360-degree evaluation to assess the core competency of the new physical therapist under the post-graduate year training program. The 15 participants whom trained by PGY in northern Taiwan had been chosen. Every trainees are required to fill a self-report questionnaire. Their instructors would report trainees’ performance based upon mini-CEX. Moreover, coworkers also report trainees’ performance by Multi-source Feedback questionnaire. We also Asked the patients who be taken care by the trainees t to fill a Patient questionnaire.In the summary, we collected nine out of 15 trainees’ performance score over the past six months to measure the difference by pre-test and post-test. The results show that the PGY2 trainees scored higher than the PGY1 trainees in most items of assessment. The demographic variables (gender and intention to stay) associate no significant difference with thetrainees’ performance. Pre-test and post-test comparison shows significant difference the progress made by trainees, ie. the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score. Through 360-degree evaluation, participants rated themselves higher than their instructors and peers did, patients with scores higher than the self-assessment. According to the results, trainees post-test scores higher than pre-test scores means that new physical therapist will enhance the core competency under training program. Through the 360-degree evaluation, we can see the differences in trainees’ self-assessment and other assessments; it could help new physical therapist to understand about the learning direction in the future. We suggests that the post-graduate year training program should be continue and it does help to improve the core competency among physical therapists. Therefore, 360-degree evaluation to assess core competency is helpful for trainees to grasp the learning directions in the future.


