  • 學位論文


Study on the Correlation between Incentive Program and Performance Recognition – on the example of Life Insurance Salespeople

指導教授 : 李弘暉


壽險公司的新契約保費收入主要靠業務員向保戶招攬保險商品而來,因此業務人力是公司最重要的資產。壽險外勤業務工作極具挑戰性且銷售難度高,如何激發業務員工作潛能,使其隨時保持高度自信心與工作熱忱,實有賴各種激勵措施之制定,本研究是針對壽險外勤人員,探討其個人背景因素,對公司激勵制度之重視度,及了解不同類型的激勵制度與個人工作績效的關聯性研究,以協助公司制定出最具激勵效果之激勵制度為目的。 研究以問卷施測方式進行資料收集,問卷調查的對象設定為台北縣市六家具有代表性之壽險公司之各職級外勤業務員,研究樣本共收集158份有效資料,資料分析方法主要以敘述性統計、t檢定、相關分析及迴歸分析進行假設驗證。 研究結果顯示,金錢型的實質獎勵還是壽險業務員最重視的激勵制度。屬於心理滿足層面的接受表揚、參加國際性保險菁英會議的激勵制度,業務員重視的程度看法因人而異。業務員對工作績效認知大都屬於對專業、服務態度等方面,也是業務員為新契約招攬所必須具備的基本條件,因此公司落實業務員之教育訓練,為一切業務經營之基礎。三大類型之激勵制度對業務員之工作績效都呈顯著正相關,只是影響程度有別,所以各種激勵制度都是必要的,因為它們都會對工作績效有幫助,但經營者在成本效益原則上,必須找出最具效益的制度推動,方能事半功倍。 因此壽險公司應針對業務員的個人屬性,了解各職級業務員的工作心態及需求,制定不同的激勵制度,以達到提升工作績效的目的,另根據研究結論,對壽險業者提出具體建議供參考。


For life insurance companies, the income of new policy premium mainly relies on the sales of new insurance products by its salespeople. Therefore, sales force is the most important resource of the companies. Given that the sales of such products is of high challenge and of great difficulty, establishment of various incentive programs is essential to stimulate the potential of the salespeople and to keep their confidence and enthusiasm in work. The study aims to analyze the factor of personal background of life insurance salespeople that may affect the salespeople’s value on the incentive programs, as well as to understand the effect of incentive programs on individual work performance and which type of incentive program that is most suitable to a specific industry salespeople so as to enhance the individual work performance and to reach the best incentive effect. The study uses a questionnaire to conduct analysis and targets six leading life insurance companies for the questionnaire. The sampling is aimed at the salespeople of each position level. Total 158 effective questionnaires are collected. The questionnaires are analyzed by descriptive statistics, T test, correlation analysis and regression analysis in a hypothesis-verification pattern. According to data analysis, monetary reward is still the most important incentive. Meanwhile, other incentives such as spiritual awards and attendance in the international insurance elite conference are received differently by different salespeople. The perception of salespeople about work performance is about professionalism and service attitudes, the basics of recruiting new policies. Therefore, for every salesperson to receive sales education and training is the basis for sales management. It is the belief of this study that, in principal, the three types of incentives all have certain influence on various work performance and hence are necessary. But since the incentives boost good sales record, for the cost efficiency, the companies need to identify the most efficient one to put into practice. In conclusion, to meet the purpose of enhancing work performance, it is suggested that the companies set up different incentive programs in consideration of the characteristics and demands of salespeople in different levels. Also, based on the conclusion, some concrete suggestions are provided for the companies.


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