  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Role of Social Competence in Kindergarten Entrepreneurs’ Financial Success

指導教授 : 曾盛恕


由於經濟和社會型態發展變遷快速,尤其在國際化及高科技化之政策推動下,導致家庭與社會不論在形貌、結構層面、功能內涵均起了相當的改變,更明顯指出兒童福利輸送服務之一的托育教育益形重要;過去因為受到地理環境和政治因素的影響,長久以來,國內均採行托育雙元體系隸屬不同行政單位-教育部與內政部,接受不同法規管理,但是實際執行之課程及功能卻是重疊的,因此學前教育機構,在托育需求及考量幼小銜接下,幼稚園、托兒所已呈現市場飽和,在百家爭鳴、面臨生存競爭之際,園所之經營績效即為其永續經營的指標。 鑑於此,本研究將藉由文獻探討領導者的人格特質理論中社會人際特徵之社交技巧,研究尋出社交技巧與園所經營績效之相關性為何?在面臨激烈競爭的環境中,經理人之社交技巧項目中哪些會直接或間接影響其經營績效?此皆為本研究欲探討之課題。.本研究先對社交技巧與經營績效之相關文獻做一蒐集與彙整以瞭解目前園所之績效評估方式,及園務經理人之社交技巧。由文獻探討中,本研究發現經理人之學經歷背景與社交技巧可能是導致經理人影響其經營績效之原因,故本研究欲以經理人之學經歷背景與社交技巧問項做自變數,經營績效之構面為應變數,建立本研究架構。 研究結果顯示經理人之社交技巧確實會影響其經營績效,同時,經理人之學經歷背景(園長年資、學歷、相關科系、幼教經驗、行政經驗)及社交技巧與經營績效之構面(教室使用率、師生比、校舍規模、幼生規模、教師流動率),確實存在相當之影響。針對上述情形,本研究提出三點建議:(1)國內師資培育機構,可將社交技巧列入培訓課程,以強化經理人之社會關係及實務應用探討,對於初任或社會技巧普遍較差的經理人,將提供莫大之助益;(2)非相關科系之經理人,園所教師流動率較高,建議可多參與同業聯合會,如:幼教學會、兒童福利協會等,彼此交換心得,分享資訊、做為提高經理人社交技巧之適當場所;(3)多參與社區活動或民間社團,提高社會適應性,將有助於社交技巧之培養。


Social structures and financial development have been rapidly changing, propelled by the societal trends for providing an internationalized and high-tech oriented education. The public realizes the importance of an early education system and the nation is in need of a standardized program. Presently, the government allows each preschool to adopt its own educational style and methodology, which is often determined by the societal trends and not necessarily based on providing a sound education for children. This setting has opened up a very competitive market in Taiwan for preschool education businesses. Operating a kindergarten has been a challenge with the ultimate ends based on the bottom line─financial success. Many studies have indicated that the higher entrepreneurs’ social competence, the greater their financial success. The focus of this research work is to discover how the social competence affects the entrepreneurs’ career and what qualities are needed for a kindergarten operator to manage a successful career in this field. The results indicated that two aspects of social competence were positively related to financial success for the kindergarten entrepreneurs─the entrepreneurs’ educational background and social skills. In contrast to aspects of personality, the skills on which social competence is based are readily open to modification and to enhancement. The following three suggestions from the research outcome might assist the entrepreneurs in their efforts to exploit opportunities and establish successful ventures:1) Adding social skill training and managerial courses in national teaching programs for kindergarten educators. 2) Establishing preschool education associations or organizations for sharing information and providing progressive environments for kindergarten entrepreneurs of both preschool and non-preschool education backgrounds. 3) Encouraging kindergarten entrepreneurs to get involved with community activities and clubs for improving social adaptation skills. Keywords: leadership, entrepreneurs’ social competence, financial achievement


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