  • 學位論文


Overseas Market Entry Strategy for Banks in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳 聖 賢 沈 仰 斌


本論文之主題為「我國銀行業海外市場進入策略之探討」;主要以銀行業海外市場「進入動機及目的」、「外內在影響因素」、「地點」及「進入方式、組織型態」為構面進行實證分析,最後輔以獲利績效之探討;本研究目的乃為我國銀行業者制定海外擴張策略時,提供較有系統之評估架構以利決策。 本研究實證結論:我國銀行業者海外市場進入策略之 一、進入動機及目的:可區分為「國際化經營能力之培養」、「積極追求營運規模之成長」、「政策使命及營運環境變遷之驅使」、「本國客戶之服務延伸」、「海外客戶之開發」等五大因素。 二、影響因素:可區分為三大重點思謀方向,分別為「銀行本身因素」、「我國環境因素」、「地主國環境因素」;整體樣本銀行對本研究之影響變數評估結果皆視為重要,且因不同集群之劃分而有重要程度上之差異。 三、地點:以香港、大陸、越南及美國為主要目標市場,此結果與本研究之「進入動機及目的」構面相互呼應-主要以服務本國客戶及進入利差大的地區為首要考量。 四、進入方式與組織型態:主要以「設立海外分支機構」為主,輔以「合併與收購」或「策略聯盟」之方式進行;且因不同集群之劃分,對於海外市場之進入方式與組織型態選擇,亦產生差異性。 最後,藉由問卷統計方式說明我國銀行業者海外市場獲利情形,以香港及美國地區為佳;實證顯示,利差大的地區及本國產業主要投資及生產所在地區,為吸引我國銀行業者前往設置海外分支機構並獲得較高盈餘之重要據點選擇。


銀行業 海外市場 進入策略


This study mainly uses empirical analysis to analyze “entry motives and purpose”, “external and internal influential factors”, “location” and “entry method and choice of organization type” for banks in Taiwan when they are trying to enter overseas market, followed by discussion on operating performance. The purpose of this research is to offer a systematic assessment method to assist local banks in planning new market entry strategy. The conclusion of analysis for Taiwan’s banks entering overseas market is as follows: 1.Entry motives and purpose: Can be identified as “ developing international management skills”, “pursuing larger scale of operation”, “satisfying government policy expectation and adjusting to change in operating environment”, “extending services to existing customers” and “acquiring overseas customers” five major factors. 2.Influential factors: Can be broken down into “bank-specific factor”, “operating environment in Taiwan” and “operating environment in the overseas market”. All of the sample banks in this study consider the above three influential factors important while the degree of importance 3.Location: Hong Kong, Mainland China, Vietnam and U.S.A. are the main target markets. This finding is consistent with the one of banks’ entry motive and purpose: priority is given to the market that can serve domestic customers and have higher spread and profit. 4.Entry method and choice of organization type: Most banks establish “overseas branch” while the rest use “merger and acquisition” or “strategic alliance” to enter new market. The entry method and type of organization established in the overseas market differ among clusters. Finally, base on the result of the questionnaire on overseas market profitability, it is found that Hong Kong and the United States are the most profit making market. Moreover, the empirical analysis gives solid evidence that market with higher spread and the one that attracts local business investment is the market that Taiwan’s banks will consider first when they are trying to enter overseas market.


Entry Strategy Bank


28.楊文彥(2004),「企業國際化動機、市場進入策略與經 營績效關係之研究─以台灣速食麵 製造業為實證」,未出版碩士論文,國立成功大學高階管理研究所。
