  • 學位論文

筆記型電腦的開發及設計 – 以國內之女性消費者為例

New Product Development and Design for Notebook – The Case of Female Consumer Based in Taiwan

指導教授 : 沈永正 博士


筆記型電腦的功能及設計進入多元化發展,隨著科技的日新月異,產品的生命週期也愈來愈短,筆記型電腦的發展也進入了微利時代。女性消費者喜新厭舊的態度,更添加了新筆記型電腦在開發上的不確定性。因此,本研究從筆記型電腦的在開發流程中去探討新產品開發在「模糊的開端」-產品策略及創意形成的二個階段,如何去整女性消費者的生活型態、市場競爭狀態及流行趨勢、產品企劃等資訊,結合女性消費者對於筆記型電腦的需求,找出在新筆記型電腦的策略制定及創意形成的開發策略。再以女性消費者對筆記型電腦現在及潛在的功能及設計面,去做深入分析探討,開發出以女性消費者為客層目標的筆記型電腦的產品設計開發策略。 本研究以國內的女性消費者主要研究對象,除了對女性消費者在流行的生活型態的討論,並針對女性消費者對筆記型電腦在功能及設計需求上的分析等因素,了解女性消費者對筆記型電腦的需求及應用面上的需求呈現。其次,以質性之深度訪談法,就4位國內知名筆記型電腦專案/產品經理、2位工業設計專家及1位流行趨勢研究專家的意見,綜合分析及整理出新產品在產品開發中功能與設計的策略組合。 本研究的主要研究結論有以下三個方向:1.女性消費者的筆記型電腦開發策略,應結合女性消費者的生活型態、企業策略、市場競爭狀態及設計策略而成的一個產品開發策略,並在功能及設計面上因應不同的需求作為產品開發的依據。 2. 對女性消費者的筆記型電腦設計,「功能」仍為首要訴求,其次是「品牌」、再其次是「設計」;當功能及規格相近時,筆記型電腦的外觀,則加重其重要性。 3.女性筆記型電腦在功能及設計的介面上,應包含「外觀」、「顏色」、「材質」及「軟、硬體的使用介面」。


This phenomenon of notebook development steps into micro-profit era, due to the boom of technology innovation, the shortening of product lifecycle and great competition. On the other hand, the factor of female consumers’ behavior also adds on the indeterminacy in new product development. Therefore, the dissertation aims to explore the new product development and design strategy for notebook, which is focused on female consumers in Taiwan. “The stage of impression” – product strategy and creation will be examined in order to integrate the information from female lifestyle, the competition of market, the fashion trend together with the needs of notebook to females. The result is to develop the appreciate strategy in new product development and design strategy. Furthermore, it addresses the guideline of in functionality and design combination. This is a qualitative research based on secondary date and expert’s interview. It examines the lifestyle of female, the needs of notebook in function and design and the application of notebook from secondary data. The experts’ interview includes 4 project / product mangers, 2 notebook designers and 1 fashion trend expert to compare and contrast the new product development and design strategy in notebook. Main results of this research are: 1. It suggests including the factors of lifestyle, corporate strategy, marketing competition and design trend as new product development and design strategy in notebook for females. It also outlines the different combination to satisfy the variety of female consumer. 2. The ranking of notebook in selection, “function” is the first priority, then, “Brand” is the second one, and the last one is “design” In case of the similar functionality, the design becomes more important to female consumers. 3. In terms of function and design issues, it suggests including “shape”, ”color”, “material” and “the interface both in hardware and software” as a plus.


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