  • 學位論文


A Study on Integration of Supply Chain Management and Information System

指導教授 : 蔡啟揚


隨著全球化與資訊化的時代來臨,企業必須設法創造與提供更多的服務與價值給顧客。企業開始思索從原物料採購、生產製造及配送至顧客的流程,將所有資源加以整合,以更有效率的方式來完成生產,透過供應鏈管理 (Supply Chain Management, SCM) 及資訊系統之整合如企業資源規劃 (Enterprise Resources Planning, ERP)等系統,可快且正確地回應顧客,將成為企業生存之必要條件。供應鏈管理及資訊系統整合與發展策略必須考慮未來與企業電子化所產生的效益相結合。本研究採個案實證之方式進行,個案公司為高純度化學品之製造廠商,主要供應半導體及液晶顯示器等高科技產業。本研究以個案公司的供應鏈管理及資訊系統整合應用所呈現之具體過程加以說明,主要目的為探討公司內部資訊系統之整合,並提出供應鏈管理及資訊系統整合績效評估指標、關鍵成功因素及SWOT分析。透過整合原本各自獨立之資訊系統,可達到資訊透明化、資料及管理之一致性,有效提昇企業之整體效益,進一步提昇企業之競爭優勢,以迎接未來環境的挑戰,並為未來發展加以預測,俾能掌握到未來電子企業化之關鍵成功因素。本研究之成果,除了可提供半導體/液晶顯示器電子級化學品相關產業參考外,亦可作為其它相關產業導入資訊系統整合時之參考。


Due to the globalization and computerization, an enterprise must provide customer with better service and more value-adding product to become competitive and to survive. An enterprise needs to use a more efficient and effective approach to integrate the raw material purchase, production planning, manufacturing management, work-in-process management, quality control, inventory management, and delivery and logistics. The integration of supply chain management (SCM) and information systems such as enterprise resources planning (ERP) can help an enterprise to quickly respond to customer demands. Based on a case study of a company providing high-purity chemical to high-tech industries such as the manufacturing of semiconductor and liquid crystal display, this research discusses the detailed information flow and material flow of the integration of supply chain management and information systems. Key performance index and key factors to success of the system integration are studied. The procedure of system implementation and integration is also illustrated. Furthermore, strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis are conducted. The research results can be used by industries in the implementation and integration of supply chain management and information systems.


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