  • 學位論文


Community Informatization, Social Capital and Civic Engagement : A Case Study of Community Computer Education Program.

指導教授 : 左正東


近年來政府逐漸重視以社區為施政的最基礎單位,並強調社區的主體性及自主性。社區資訊學亦認為個人或社區透過近用資訊科技,能促進當地的經濟發展、增加社會資本、凝聚社區意識以及加強民主等面向。本文探究社區推動資訊化後,對於社區公民參與以及社會資本的改變與影響。 本研究採用質化研究方法,對於社區資訊化聚焦於社區電腦班,並以類型化的方式,依照電腦班持續開辦與否,及公民參與程度之高低,選擇四個個案社區(龍興社區、永德社區、和平社區、建安社區)進行深度訪談。除了回顧相關理論,本文著重現今政府提供有關社區資訊化政策補助,透過對個案社區實務執行的了解,提出政策落實的問題及建議。 研究發現個人層次的社會資本確實有助於社區電腦班的推動,然而電腦班開辦後,四個個案社區在現階段對於提升全體社區居民的社會資本皆不明顯;在促進公民參與的程度上,則更無直接關聯。另外社區推動電腦班之目的以職業訓練及終身學習為主,而政府政策則以提供社會福利及縮減數位落差為主,施政目的與實際需求有所差異。以社區資訊化的政策而言,國內仍在起步階段,社區資訊化不應只侷限在培養社區居民資訊素養或縮減數位落差,在目的上應可達到更高的層次,如促進社區居民社會資本,或是公民參與的實踐。 因此本研究建議應以目前社區實務執行之目的,加以區分權責單位,避免重疊補助浪費資源,並研擬提升社會資本與公民參與導向的規範,符合「社區主義」的核心價值。如此可避免目前社區礙於老人福利或婦女福利對開辦資訊課程的限制,以提升社區電腦班對居民的意義與價值。


In recent years, the government has paid more attention to communities, viewed them as the primary unit for policy-enforcement, and underscored their subjectivity and independence. According to studies of community informatics, access to information and communication technology by individuals or communities could flourish local economic development, raise social capital, cement sense of community, and strengthen democracy. Thus, this study aims to probe into the changes of and impacts on community civic engagement and social capital after community informatization. This study analyzed the influences of community informatization through a qualitative approach, with the focus placed on the community computer education programs. Besides, through categorization by the continuation of computer education programs and the degree of civic engagement, four communities (Long-hsing Community, Yong-de Community, He-ping Community, and Jian-an Community) were selected for an in-depth interview. In addition to literature review, the study lighted upon current governmental subsidies to community informatization programs. Also, problems in policy-implementation and relevant suggestions were proposed through an investigation into the enforcement condition of the selected communities. The results revealed that individual-level social capital was indeed beneficial to the promotion of community computer education programs. In terms of the four case communities, however, the establishment of education programs did not significantly raise the social capital of the whole community, and even had no direct association with the elevation of civic engagement degree. Besides, vocational training and lifelong learning were the two major goals of community computer education programs, and the government policy focused on offering social welfare and closing the digital divide. So, there was a difference between the goal of the policy and the practical needs. In terms of community informatization policy, which was still new to Taiwan, it should not be confined to cultivating the residents’ information literacy or reducing the digital divide. Instead, higher ambitions, such as enhancing residents’ social capital or civic engagement, should be pursued. Thus, it was suggested that the duty of each competent authority, related to policy-implementation, should be clarified to prevent subsidy overlap and resource waste. Besides, specifications for enhancing social capital and civic engagement should be worked out to fulfill the core value of “communitarianism”. Therefore, the limitation of the current elderly and women welfare policies on information programs could be overcome to raise the meaning and value of community computer education programs.


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