  • 學位論文


A Study on the Evaluation Model of the Key Supplier’s Performance - Taking the Equipment Suppliers’ Performance Evaluation in the 12” DRAM Field for Example

指導教授 : 張百棧


隨著半導體景氣復甦,半導體製造大廠紛紛擴大資本支出添購設備,以求能在下一世代的競爭中擊敗對手,然跟半導體廠資本支出波動幅度最息息相關的就是設備製造商。故選擇一個最佳製造商是一個非常重要的課題,在供應鏈中,最重要的一環即為合格供應商之評選。基於技術持續演進而產生不同型態之採購需求,供應商評選之準則,也應予以修正。在以往的研究中,是以AHP的手法找出重要因素並產出權重分析表作為主要選擇的參考。本研究規劃是以總擁有成本為主,AHP權重分析表為輔的方式建立評選半導體產業的有效方法以求在降低成本「量」的同時能兼顧到較無法量化之「質」的部份。 本研究初期藉由文獻探討及深度訪談法,分析目前半導體製造業12吋廠設備採購的基準下,評選供應商時所應包含及採用之準則,再經由層級分析法(Analytical hierarchy process,AHP),決定各準則之權重,並建立設備供應商之「質」的評選模式,以提供該產業選擇合格供應商之相關建議。本研究結果建立 「6」大構面 為:「品質能力」、「價格競爭力」、「供應商的組織文化和策略」「技術能力」、「交貨能力」、「服務支援能力」等,及23 項評估準則,適用此半導體製造業DRAM12吋廠設備供應商「質」的績效評估。接著再以總擁有成本的實證進行本研究之驗證分析。 驗證結果顯示,藉由定期AHP產出權重表得到的「質」的評估結果,獲取廠商支援能力的排名,再經決購時參考之總擁有成本計算結果來作實證分析,證明總擁有成本配合本研究產出之AHP權重績效評估結果,確實可提供半導體設備供應商提昇競爭力的方向及選擇適用及具競爭力供應商之參考。


With the recovery of semiconductor industry, semiconductor FABs have one after another expanded their capital to purchase main equipment in order to get enough capacity to get the leading place in the market; however the semiconductor tool suppliers are the key factor affecting the capital expenditure of the semiconductor FABs. So how to select semiconductor tool suppliers are the most important issues for semiconductor FABs. Since supplier selection is very important portion in the supply chain management, the purchasing requirements will be changed according to the development of technology; the criterions also need to be revised from time to time. According to previous researches, AHP is the most commonly used measure to find out important factors for creating weighting of each factor; in this research, cost of ownership is used as the major measure and also referencing the AHP weighting result to establish the effective method. So that both cost and quality can be measured in the meantime. This research is firstly, via surveying the historical data and thorough interview with semiconductor expert, analyzing the semiconductor suppliers selection criteria, and secondly find out the weighted point of each criterion by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Finally 6 dimensions are developed according to the research results: 「quality control」, 「cost efficiency」, 「supplier’s management profile」, 「technology capability」, 「logistics accuracy」and 「supporting ability」, and 23 items are proposed as indexes appropriate to be used for the evaluation of key equipment suppliers in semiconductor industry. The evaluation model is applied in this research to be used in a DRAM company and then proved as well as double confirmed by cost of ownership (C.o.O). The evaluation result appears that by using AHP weighting method at regular interval to obtain the ranking result for the supporting capability of all suppliers, and supported by C.o.O, can not only give the improve their competitivty but also help semiconductor FABs to select more accurate suppliers.


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