  • 學位論文

台灣高科技產業經營績效之評估- 以宏碁、華碩和廣達為例

The Evaluation of Management Performance in Taiwan High-tech Industry - A case of Acer, Asustek and Quanta

指導教授 : 蔣廷芳


本文以台灣三家生產筆記型電腦的廠商-宏碁,華碩及廣達為研究對象,探討廠商於2000至2007年之間的經營效率,比較孰優孰劣。我們使用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis)來計算相對效率值,投入項包括:總資產、銷貨成本、管理費用、研發費用及員工人數共五項。產出項包括:營業毛利及稅前淨利共兩項。 接下來,我們使用超效率分析法,超額變數分析法及Malmquist 生產力指數來做進一步的分析。超效率分析法主要用於分類和排序已被評估為完全有效率之決策單位。而超額變數分析法可提供無效率之決策單位的管理者改善方向及範圍。最後,Malmquist 生產力指數可用來分析此三家筆記型電腦廠商的成長潛力。 本研究結果指出在固定報酬模式中,宏碁最具整體效率,接下來為華碩,廣達最不具整體效率。但在變動報酬模式中,宏碁仍最具純粹技術效率,接下來為華碩,廣達最不具純粹技術效率。然而,在Malmquist 生產力指數指出,廣達具有最高的追趕效率,即廣達最具發展潛力。另外也指出,宏碁發展速度最快,廣達次之,最後為華碩。


This study applies Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a multiple inputs–multiple outputs evaluation method, to analyze the relative efficiency of three companies including Acer, Asustek and over a period of 8 years from 2000 to 2007 in the Taiwan notebook PC industry. The study has indicated how to use DEA to identify individual companies that are less efficient than other comparable units in terms of output factors relative to input factors. Furthermore, we use the super-efficiency analysis, slacks base measure and Malmquist type index. The purpose of super-efficiency is to sort and rank the estimative and efficient result of DEA. And the slack base measure provides information about the directions and the range to improve efficiency for the manager of an inefficient DMU. In addition, Malmquist indices of productivity change are also used to analyze the growth potentials of the three companies. The study results of technical efficiency in CCR model indicate that Acer Company is the most efficient with the average value, followed by Asustek, Quanta is the least efficient. But the results of BCC models point out that Acer Company is the most efficient with the average value, followed by Quanta, Asustek is the least efficient. In Malmquist indices of productivity model, Quanta has the highest Catching –up Efficiency (CIE) scores which bring about the potential for its development. Acer’s speed of development is the fastest, followed by Quanta, Asus is the slowest.


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