  • 學位論文


The Influence of Beer Product Attributes on Purchase Intention-Country of Origin as Moderator

指導教授 : 何建德


隨著政策的開放以及國際貿易活動日益頻繁,本國市場上充斥著琳瑯滿目商品供消費者選擇,各國廠商無所不用其極想盡各種行銷方法推廣自家的產品,然而在消費者面對眾多品牌選擇時,回歸最初的購買動機,無非是希望可以透過產品本身獲得利益或是解決問題。因此本研究主要研究啤酒產品屬性對購買意願影響,並探討加入來源國效應是否會干擾消費者評估購買意願的高低。 本研究調查對象以台灣地區的啤酒消費者為例,探討消費者對五國(美國、荷蘭、日本、大陸、台灣)啤酒的各產屬性的知覺及購買意願之看法。而透過對各變數的分析結果得知,各國啤酒屬性表現的優劣程度會影響購買意願的高低,而依國家形象的不同也會進一步改變購買意願的強弱。此外啤酒的產品屬性表現中以口味喜好為購買意願提升的關鍵因素,先進技術對購買意願則沒有顯著的影響作用,由此顯示產品屬性之間是具有權重之分。而在變異數分析驗證之下,發現來源國效應對產品屬性與購買意願具有部份干擾作用,但其效應不大。因此來源國效應仍需有賴於國家產品相容才有助於購買意願的提升。


產品屬性 來源國 購買意願


With the open policy to increasing international trades, dazzling products are sold in the domestic markets. In the highly competitive market, every company always uses a variety of marketing strategies to promote their products. However, when customers face choices among many brands, they rely on initial purchase motivation, which is to get benefits or solve problems from products. This research discusses the influence of beer product attributes on purchase intention, and explores whether the country of origin interacts with product attribute and purchase intention. The research takes beer consumers in Taiwan as subject and discusses beer product attributes performance and purchase intention of five countries, which are United States, Netherlands, Japan, China and Taiwan. The analysis indicates that performance of product attributes significantly have positive effect on purchase intention. The different country images will further moderate the intensity of purchase intention. Besides, among the beer product attributes, taste is the key factor for purchase intention, and advance technology has little effects. This finding shows product attributes have their weights. By the analysis of variance, country of origin is found as mild interaction with product attributes and purchase intention. It is suggested that strong purchase intention depend on the match of the country image and product attributes.


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