  • 學位論文


A Study of the Elementary School Teachers’ Workplace Risk and Self-efficacy -Selected in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 劉宜君


本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣國小教師職場風險與自我效能之現況及兩者之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,共抽取25所桃園縣公立國民小學440位教師。 本研究之研究工具有「國小教師職場風險量表」與「國小教師自我效能量表」,調查所得資料以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、史皮爾曼相關分析、多元迴歸等方法來進行統計分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、桃園縣國民小學教師有中度的職場風險。 二、桃園縣國民小學教師有良好的自我效能。 三、不同性別、職務、年資之桃園縣國小教師,在職場風險上有顯著差異。 四、不同年資之桃園縣國民小學教師,在自我效能上有顯著差異。 五、桃園縣國民小學教師之職場風險與自我效能具有負相關。 六、桃園縣國民小學教師之職場風險對自我效能具有顯著之預測力。 針對上述結果,本研究對國小教師提出建議:1.國小教師應多參加正向管教相關研習,加強對班級經營效能的信念、2.支持教師工會,保障教師工作權益、3.國小教師應加強責任風險認知,以減少學生意外的發生;對教育行政機關提出建議:1.學校應加強輔導室和訓導處的功能,提高教師班級經營效能、2.教育部應落實小班制,降低超額風險,以提升教師自我效能、3.教育部應加強教師危機管理的訓練,讓教師可以處理緊急事件。


The main purpose of the study is to understand the present situation of the workplace risk and self-efficacy of public elementary school teachers, and the relationship between the two. The research is concluded by a questionnaire collected by 440 teachers from 25 elementary schools which are located Taoyuan county. The research tools include “Scale of Elementary School Teachers’ Workplace Risk” and “Scale of Elementary School Teachers’ Self-efficacy”. The data was analyzed by the statistic methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Spearman’s rank correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. The public elementary school teachers of Taoyuan county have a medium level of workplace risk. 2. The public elementary school teachers of Taoyuan county have good self-efficacy. 3. Significant differences are found between different gender, position, and teaching seniority in the public elementary school teachers’ workplace risk. 4. Significant differences are found between different teaching seniority in the public elementary school teachers’ self-efficacy. 5. There are negative correlations between the teachers’ workplace risk and self-efficacy. 6. The different teacher’s workplace risk has significant influence on the self-efficacy. According to the results stated above, this research would like to give the suggestions as the following: The research suggests to the teachers of elementary schools: 1. Teachers should be involved in positive discipline of study, to enhance the effectiveness of classroom management beliefs. 2. Support teachers' unions to protect the rights of job. 3. Elementary school teachers should strengthen awareness of liability risk in order to reduce students’ accidents. The research suggests to the administrative organizations of education: 1. Schools should strengthen the function of the disciplinary office and counseling office to improve the effectiveness of classroom management. 2. The Ministry of Education should implement small class sizes, reducing the excess risk in order to enhance teachers’ self-efficacy. 3. The Ministry of Education should strengthen the training of teachers in crisis management, so that teachers can deal with emergencies.


