  • 學位論文


Organizational Health Culture, Health Promotion Effectiveness of Organization and Employee Effectiveness: A Multi-level Model

指導教授 : 林玥岑


組織健康文化是組織所建構的一套建康導向的核心屬性,為組織成員所共享,並具有規範員工行為的作用。本研究以多層次觀點驗證組織健康文化分別對組織成效與個體成效的影響,組織成效部份著重於組織的健康促進效能,個體成效則著重於員工效能。具體而言,本研究以多層次觀點驗證組織健康文化、組織健康促進效能、員工個人健康行為與員工效能之間的關係。 以立意抽樣選取55家台灣企業組織為研究樣本,並自每家企業組織中選取20位專職員工進行問卷施測。本研究針對研究架構中的構念特性分別設計「組織問卷」及「員工問卷」為研究工具,以蒐集相關資料。組織問卷由企業組織中負責健康促進業務之人員依據組織的實際狀況進行填答;員工問卷則由專職員工進行填答。最後有效回收之企業家數為54家,員工人數共1011人,有效問卷回收率為91.91%。資料分析方面,除了進行描述性統計、相關與迴歸分析之外,並利用層級線性模型來進行多層次假說的驗證。 研究結果發現,在組織成效方面,組織健康文化對健康促進規劃成效、健康促進產出,以及員工平均教育訓練費用、健康諮詢率等有顯著影響。而對於病假率、意外事件發生率、健康促進活動出席率與健康促進活動滿意度則無顯著影響。在個體成效方面,組織健康文化對於員工效能三面向(自評工作績效、利他行為與幸福感)的影響,是透過健康行為的完全多層次中介作用而產生。此外,研究亦發現個人健康價值觀對其健康行為有顯著的正向影響關係,但個人健康價值觀對於組織健康文化與員工健康行為並未具有調節作用。 研究結果支持組織健康文化對於組織在健康促進上的推動成效,以及組織內成員的健康行為與工作效能的影響,在跨層次理論基礎下,本研究建立這些連接點,有助於健康促進相關理論的建構與發展。研究的重要發現亦提醒企業組織,組織的健康文化與員工的健康行為確實有助於員工工作效能的提升,投資職場健康促進計畫來強化員工健康行為、改善組織健康環境與文化,長期而言必可獲致效益。


Organizational health culture is a set of health-oriented core attributes created by an organization and shared among its members that regulate employee behavior. This study attempts to apply the multi-level analysis to verify the effects of organizational health culture on the organizational-level and individual-level effectiveness of health promotion. The organizational-level effectiveness is focusing on the health promotion effectiveness of organization, and the individual-level effectiveness is focusing on the employee effectiveness. Specifically, this study adopts a multi-level perspective to verify the relationship among the organizational health culture, health promotion effectiveness of organization, employee health behavior, and employee effectiveness. The purposive sampling method was used to sample 55 enterprises across Taiwan for organizational sample to fill out organization questionnaires that is designed to collect effectiveness information on the WHP. Additionally, a sample of the employee survey (filled out by 20 full-time employees) was collected from each enterprise. They contained information related to personal perception on organizational health culture. This information was personally filled out by individual employees and was aggregated into organizational-level data. Questionnaires that were gathered and validated included 54 returns from organizational survey and 1011 returns from employee surveys, indicating a valid response rate of 91.91%. Following the calculation of descriptive statistics, the Pearson product moment correlation was used to analysis the relationship among the constructs. Thereafter, Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was used to test the multi-level hypotheses. Terms of the organizational-level effectiveness, the results showed that organizational health culture had a significant impact on the planning effectiveness and the output of health promotion. However, organizational health culture had no significant impact on the sick leave rate, accidents rate, satisfaction, and attendance of health promotion activities. Terms of the individual-level effectiveness, the results showed that the effect of organizational health culture on three dimensions of employee effectiveness (self-evaluated performance, altruism, and happiness) were full multi-level mediated by employee healthy behavior. Furthermore, the study found that individual health value has a significant positive effect on employee health behaviors, but no significant moderating effect on the relationship between organizational health culture and employee health behavior. The results of this study support that organizational health culture has impacts on the health promotion effectiveness of organization and employee effectiveness. In the multi-level model, this study established the connection of these constructs will help the construction of health promotion theories. The findings also remind business executives that organizational health culture and employee health behavior help improving employee effectiveness. Investment in workplace health promotion programs improve employee health behavior and enhance organizational health culture and environment would benefit the organization in the long run.


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