  • 學位論文


Green supply chain perspective of auto parts industry diversification strategy - W company for example.

指導教授 : 何建德


全球環保意識高漲,為有效解決廢棄物對環境的衝擊,陸續推動環境法令,企業在滿足顧客需求與賺取利潤的同時,需盡到對環境保護的企業社會責任,兼顧維護整體社會與自然環境的長久利益。產業的綠色供應鏈包含「正向供應鏈」和「逆向供應鏈」,藉由產品的易回收性、可再生性與無害性等設計,提高產品生命終期循環再利用,降低廢棄物產出,為本研究之目的。 本研究以質性研究方式進行,主要資料來源以對個案相關企業和人員做深入訪談,另外參考期刊、論文與環保相關網站以個案研究方式呈現,分析國內汽車零件零售廠商以「逆向供應鏈」的環保概念達成企業成長的策略,重新設計與規劃,發展出不同的經營模式,探討垂直整合、市場進入障礙以及多角化策略,將此相關議題進行深入研究與探討為本論文的研究重點。 本研究發現,本個案公司藉由內部擁有的資源與能力,包括汽車零組件零售通路、汽車修理廠、汽車零件回收、再利用與零件翻修廠等,具有完整的核心資源;選擇以向上整合之方式進入廢機動車回收業,以達到貨源穩定與獲利增加之目的;個案公司未來的趨勢將可藉由公司的核心競爭力,在技術、生產、價格、成本、通路或服務上優於對手,企業規模將會朝持續成長之模式發展。並以去除仲介再仲介方式,縮短與目標顧客的距離,並提高潛在進入者之進入門檻,藉此擴展企業之競爭優勢。


With the raise of global environmental awareness, government continuously promotes environmental laws to decrease the impact of the waste on the environment effectively. In addition to meet the needs of customers and make a profit, enterprises should be responsible to try their best to protect the environment, taking the long profits of whole society and environment into account. Green supply chains contain "forward supply chains" and "reverse supply chains." The purpose of this paper is to improve the recycling and reuse of products as well as to reduce the waste by the design of easy recycling, renewable and eco-friendly products. The study here is conducting with qualitative research, and the main data is constructed by interviewing the related companies and people who are in the industry in depth. In addition, reference journals, theses, and websites about environment are presented in case study. This paper is to analyze the strategy of domestic auto components retailers to growing up with the eco-friendly concept “reverse supply chain,” redesign and re-plan the strategy. Finally, use the analysis to develop into different business model, and study vertical integration, barriers to enter the industry and diversification strategy. The main idea of this paper is to research and study the above and related issues. This research finds that the example company possesses complete core resources because of its owned resources and abilities, including retail channels for auto parts components, auto repair shop, and factories to recycling, reuse and repair auto parts. The companies enter the industry of auto parts recycling by vertical integration to achieve stable supply and profit increase purposes. The example company will keep growing in the future due to its core competence-the advantages of technique, producing, price, cost, channel or service. The distance to the target customers will be reduced with less agents, and simultaneously, barriers to enter the industry will rise for those potential entrants; thereby extended the enterprise competitive advantage.




