  • 學位論文


Integrated green design, green forward and reverse supply chain for evaluation

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


近年來世界各國對環保意識的提升,以及一些環保法令相繼的提出,產品於設計、生產過程和最終處置,做整體的考量以及個別加上綠色這個名詞在企業中變得相當的重要,因此若能夠於產品生產期間同時考量到綠色因子於設計和正、逆向供應鏈內,並將生產產品各項活動因素所產生之所有成本也須詳加考慮在內,不僅能夠替企業帶來正面的形象,還能於產品生產時,對這些因素與環境做整體之評估。   本研究將對綠色設計、綠色正向供應鏈和綠色逆向供應鏈三者之間的相互影響關係採取兩階段處理,首先第一階段將藉由模糊分析網路程序法(FANP)針對「綠色設計」、「綠色正向供應鏈」以及「綠色逆向供應鏈」這三者之間的活動指標做相對評比,找出定性的權重值之後,接著將權重值運用於第二階段內,並將相關成本建構出一套數學模式,再以線性規劃軟體(Lingo)和粒子群演算法(PSO)分別求算出評估方案中最小化之總成本,並且加以比較此兩種方法之結果,這樣一來便可以提供產品設計決策人員於進行綠色產品從設計、製造到產品生命週期的末端之間所採取的策略有一個衡量依據。   最後,再藉由實例去驗證本研究之方法不僅能同時考慮了定性準則與定量因素,讓企業在設計產品初期的時候,能以定性的評選模式中找到決策者選擇時之評選準則權重,並能於成本模式中找出不同的成本因素之間做調整與修改的動作以及提供一個生產製造之組合方式,在主觀與客觀系統之間達到平衡。


Products designing, manufacturing, and handling attached green play an important role in enterprises because in the world around with prompt of environment protection conscious and some rules of environment protection was released recently. Therefore, if it could consider green to design, forward and reverse supply chain in producing, it must have not only bring positive image to enterprises but also evaluate the total factors in producing. Then, all the production cost also need to consider in green products so that it can add profit for enterprises. In this research will discuss relationships between green design, green forward supply chain, and green reverse supply chain further. In this research will adopt two phases so that decision maker could have to strike a balance between subjective judgment and objective system. Firstly, doing related weighted between green design, green forward supply chain, and green reverse supply chain by using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP). Secondly, building a mathematical model by related costs and weighted values, and calculating minimize of total cost from evaluated projects by using Lingo and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). And, compare the results between these two methods. Because of it can provide in accordance with a judge from design and manufacturing to the end of Product Lifecycle Management for decision maker. Last, to prove the model of this research is feasible via real cases. It considers not only qualitative indexes and quantitative at the same time. During primary stage of product design, let enterprises can find out that the weighted of indexes with choosing qualitative model. And then, it can achieve a balance between subjective and objective system to adjust and revise the different factors in cost model and provide a method for producing products.


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