  • 學位論文


On the Management of Sick and Dead Pigs in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李弘暉


本研究主要以臺灣斃死豬處理問題為主題,探究一個問題形成的影響因素,並以其涉及之相關法規、政策規劃與執行及影響民生經濟問題等,加以平時工作上所面臨及觀察到的問題擬求在政策規劃方面,能藉由社會科學理論的研討與分析,建構符合本土需求的新公共行政管理模式。 養豬在臺灣的畜牧業占了最重要的角色,對整體農業而言,也有舉足輕重的地位。然而多年來,臺灣養豬產業不僅要面對加入WTO的競爭壓力,還要因應不時發生斃死豬非法流用的經濟衝擊。斃死豬非法流用的問題,許多媒體或民間監督機構都認為是政府對於違法行為查緝執行不力、法律判刑太輕或經濟因素等所致。與其說是法律規範不足,吾寧說是道德的淪喪或價值觀的不同所導致的社會偏差行為。多年來行政機關的推諉塞責、因循怠惰及利益團體的影響等,也是斃死豬非法流用問題遲遲未能改善的因素。探究其原因在於以下幾點:1、政策目標的偏離;2、行政機關之困境;3、執行資源的浪費;4、缺乏策略與技巧;5、決策者的忽視。 未來行政革新除了「廉潔」、「效能」、「便民」外,還應該進行治理能力提升的工作。提供幾項建議如下:1、政府應該正視由全球化、經濟結構轉型等問題所帶來的挑戰,並且高度關注民生及社會穩定。2、從教育、促進就業與培訓、增加社會資本三方面擬定回應的策略,並關懷弱勢社群的權益。3、改善施政的具體措施,建立完善的官員責任制,優化政策的質素,強化諮詢架構,加強民情民意的掌握,了解標的團體的意見,重視中下階層的溝通,締造民眾參與的條件。4、研究有關的公共問題,徵詢政府有關部門的意見;並鼓勵各界人士進行理性的思考和探討,展開改善工作。


斃死豬 公共問題


This study is focusing on the issue of the management of sick and dead pigs in Taiwan, including how a related problem comes about, and what regulations and policies it involves and its impact on the economy and people’s daily life. This study is based on my former experiences and insights on this issue. In discussing the aspect of policy-making from the theoretical study and analysis of social science, the goal of this study is to set a new model for public administration that suits the needs nationwide. Swine herding plays an important role in the livestock industry in Taiwan, and it is also vital to the overall agriculture. But for many years swine herding industry in Taiwan does not only have to face the competing pressure of entering WTO, but it also has to respond to the economic impact of the illegal circulation of sick and dead pigs. Many medias and civil watchdogs all think this particular problem results from the government’s failing to seize the illegal dealing, insufficient sentence, economic factors, etc.. This deviation of social behavior is moral corruption or different values, rather than insufficient legal regulation. However, the reasons of the worsening situation of the illegal circulation of sick and dead pigs should also include shunning responsibilities and inefficiency of the government, and influence from the interest groups. The causes of the problem can be summed up as follows: 1. deviation of the policy goal; 2. dilemma of the government organization; 3. waste of law-enforcing resources; 4. lack of strategy and devices; and 5. negligence of the policy-makers. In terms of administrative reformation, apart from incorruption, efficiency and convenience for the people, the enhancement of the administrative ability should also be progressed. This study offers the following suggestions. First, the government should encounter challenges brought about by globalization, change of the economic structure, etc., and pay high attention to the stability of people’s livelihood and the whole society. Second, the government should make reacting policies from such three aspects as enhancing education, advancing employment and training, and increasing social capitals, in order to show the government’s care for the rights of the minority. Third, the government should improve practical practices of the administration, make a faultless monitoring system of the officials, perfect the quality of the policies, fortify the framework of consultation, gather information of public opinions, understand the opinions of the focused group, pay more attention to the communication of the middle-lower classes, and create friendly environment for public participation. And last but not least, the government should do research on related public issues, gather opinions of the apartments concerned, and encourage people from various fields to do logical reasoning and discussion, and henceforth put all practices into action.


Sick and Dead Pigs public issues


Osborne,Dj and T. Gaebler,(1992), Reinventing Government, Addison Wesley, Reading.
Hammer,Michael and Steven Stanton,(1995),The Reengineering Revolution,New York N.Y.: Hapers Collins.


