  • 學位論文


A Study of Co-Opetition Strategy in Industrial Solution Value Chain Alliance

指導教授 : 陳俊忠
共同指導教授 : 徐學忍(Hsueh-Jen Hsu)


根據資策會MIC 研究,2008 年台灣資訊軟體產業產值可達新台幣1,559.8 億元,較2007 年成長12.3%。預估2010 年產值可達新台幣1,727 億元。從產業結構分析,2008 年資訊服務佔總產值61.4%,達新台幣958.1 億元,相較2007 年成長7.2%,預計2010 年將達到新台幣981.9 億元。雖說無法像資訊硬體產業達到兆元以上的成長力道,但以資訊軟體產業來說也是高成長的產業了。 每年以7.4%的複合年成長率,預計2010 年將達到新台幣981.9 億元產值的產業。除了資策會MIC 每年定期做市場行銷研究外,在學術上的研究、大多是在台灣資訊軟體產業的研究。因為受制於其軟體的技術性及產業專業性,尚無針對台灣產業軟體之研究,更不要說是對台灣產業軟體之競合研究。學生長期在資訊軟體業服務,希望能藉此次研究讓更多的人能了解到台灣資訊軟體產業,同時有更多的人加入研究讓台灣資訊軟體產業成長。 本研究以台灣產業軟體價值鏈聯盟(ISVCA)為個案研究對象,期望探討我國資訊軟體產業的競合策略模式。因為我國資訊軟體產業長久以來不但要面臨國內外軟體公司的威脅,也受限於軟體大廠所制定的標準限制,普遍存在著規模偏小、技術掌握有限、資金不足、市場受限等問題,以資訊硬體產業為例,合作或是策略聯盟可解決上述諸多問題,因此藉由本研究來探討產業價值鏈聯盟是否也是國內資訊軟體產業有效的解決途徑。 研究發現Michael E.Porter的五項競爭作用力是分析是否進入此產業常用的研究學說。進入產業後又可以Brandenburger and Nalebuff(1996)的價值網來改變賽局獲取公司最大利益,因此本研究以ISVCA的營運策略套入五項競爭作用力及價值網,經由這兩個學說來檢視ISVCA的競合策略,找出策略議題並給予策略行動建議。


As per research of MIC, The output value of Taiwan Information Software Industry in 2008 can reach NT$155.98 billion which is 12.3% growth compared to 2007. Estimated it would increase to NT$172.7 billion in year 2010. From the industry structure analysis, the value of information service of 2008 is 95.81 billion which accounts for 61.4% of total output value and 7.2% growth compared to year 2007. Estimated it would increase to NT$98.19 billion in year 2010. Its growth strength is unable likely the information hardware industry to achieve the trillion Yuan above, but by the information software industry, it is has been a high growth industry. By 7.4% compound yearly growth rate, estimate Information Service will achieve NT$98.19 billion output value in 2010. Except MIC yearly and periodic marketing research, the most of academic research in Taiwan is Information Software Industry research. Due to technical nature and industrial specialization, there is no specific research on Taiwan Software Industry; no mention co-opetition research. Because of my long-term experiences in Information Software Industry, I hope by this research to let more people to understand Taiwan Information Software Industry. Meanwhile, it could bring more people to join the similar study to let this industry growth. This research takes Taiwan Industry Software Value Chain Alliance (ISVCA) as the object of case study. I expect to study the Taiwan co-opetition strategy pattern. Because Taiwan Information Software Industry faces for long term not only threat of domestic and international software companies, but also is affected by the restrictions of the standard made by big software company. The most of them suffer some problems like small company size, difficulties of getting technologies; lack of capital; market limitation, etc. Take the Information Hardware Industry as example, cooperation or strategy alliance can solve above problems. Therefore, I would like to study if value chain alliance is the effective way to resolve the problems of our Information Software Industry. Michael E. Potrer’s five forces is a theory to analysis if one is competitive enough to entry this industry. After entering this industry, you can use Brandenburger and Nalebuff“value net” to win the best benefit of the company. Therefore this study uses ISVCA’s operating strategy plus the theory of five forces and value net. Through these two theories to view ISVCA competition policy, identifying policy issues and providing policy recommendations for action.


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