  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Clinical Nurses

指導教授 : 王秀紅


本研究目的在探討護理人員情緒勞務負擔、工作滿意度與組織公民行為之相關性,並找出影響情緒勞務負擔、工作滿意度及組織公民行為之預測因素。本研究為橫斷式相關性之研究設計,採方便取樣在南部二所醫學中心及二所區域教學醫院收集資料,以基層護理人員為研究對象,有效樣本為470名。研究工具採結構式問卷,內容包括四部份:(1)個人基本資料表、(2)情緒勞務負擔量表、(3)工作滿意度量表、(4)組織公民行為量表。 本研究結果發現:(1)研究對象情緒勞務負擔總平均得分為3.88(SD=0.47),表示情緒勞務負擔高。(2)研究對象工作滿意度總平均得分為3.53(SD=0.56),表示整體工作滿意度高。(3)研究對象在組織公民行為總平均得分為4.19(SD=0.44),表示組織公民行為之整體表現良好。(4)情緒勞務負擔與工作滿意度達統計上顯著正相關。(5)情緒勞務負擔與組織公民行為達統計上顯著性正相關。(6)工作滿意度與組織公民行為達統計上顯著正相關。(7)目前工作醫院年資是情緒勞務負擔之有效預測因子,可解釋總變異數為0.8%。(8)基本情緒表達、表層情緒控制及目前服務科別是工作滿意度之有效預測因子,共可解釋總變異數為8.6%。(9)基本情緒表達、深層情緒偽裝、內在滿意度、外在滿意度、目前工作醫院年資以及目前服務醫院層級是組織公民行為之預測因子,共可解釋總變異數為51.5%。 根據研究結果建議護理行政主管應重視護理人員之「情緒勞務管理」,降低護理人員之情緒勞務負擔。行政主管並應營造組織氣候,讓護理人員在專業上發揮潛力,拓展橫向護理角色與功能,彌補縱向「升遷管道」的不足,以增加護理人員的工作滿意度。此外,行政主管應激發護理人員展現其組織公民行為,以確保組織工作效能。


This study discusses the relationships among emotional labor, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in clinical nurses to find out the predictors. It is a cross-sectional and correctional study design. In order to recruit samples conveniently, We collected data from two medical centers and two regional teaching hospitals in southern Taiwan. Clinical nurses are the study subjects and 470 of them completed the questionnaire. The questionnaire includes four parts:(1) personal information, (2) emotional labor scale, (3) job satisfaction scale, and (4) organizational citizenship behavior scale. The results show that: (1) The average score of emotional labor is 3.88(SD = 0.47), which indicates that the clinical nurses bear a lot of emotional labor. (2) The average score of job satisfaction is 3.53(SD = 0.56), which indicates that most of the clinical nurses are satisfied with their job. (3) The average score of organizational citizenship behavior is 4.19(SD = 0.44), which indicates that overall performance of organizational citizenship behavior is good. (4) Emotional labor is positively related to job satisfaction. (5) Emotional labor is positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. (6) Job satisfaction is positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. (7) How long the clinical nurses work for their hospitals is a significant predictor of emotional labor, and witch accounts for 0.8% of the total variances. (8) The predictors of job satisfaction include basic emotional expression, surface emotional control, and current served department; those account for 8.6% of the total variances. (9) The predictors of organizational citizenship behavior consist of basic emotional expression, deep emotional camouflaging, internal satisfaction, external satisfaction, the length of working for the hospital, and the hospital’s classification; those account for 51.5% of the total variances. Based on the results triggered by this study, we suggest the administrative managers to (1) emphasize on the emotional labor management to lessen clinical nurses’ emotional burden; (2) create an organizational atmosphere to bring out clinical nurses’ professional potentialities; (3) expand horizontal nurses’ role and function to make up the deficiency of vertical promotion system and increase clinical nurses’ job satisfaction; (4) encourage clinical nurses performing their organizational citizenship behavior to ensure organizational efficiency.


白景文(1997,6月)?企業如何運用工作滿意度至人力資源的管理?教育資訊網?取自http://www.1041earn.com.tw/ cfdocs/edu/speaker/book-show


