  • 學位論文


The Manufacturing Meaning and Consumption Value of Augmented Product of Performing Arts

指導教授 : 朱宗慶


表演藝術做為文化創意產業之核心產業,基於政府補助不固定、贊助不穩定、市場開拓不易,因而亟思拓展財源之途徑。表演藝術周邊商品在現階段可視為待開發的處女地。對多數台灣的表演藝術團體而言,表演藝術的核心價值是作品,發展周邊商品需要投入大量人力、財力以及時間,亦不一定能產生理想的經濟效益。然而,國外如歌劇魅影、太陽劇團、香港PIP劇團,周邊商品的發展已臻豐富而成熟。 筆者從表演藝術團體周邊商品的本質出發,意欲建立論述,以為日後發展之基礎。分別探究商品聯繫的兩端—表演藝術團體(產製端)與消費者(消費端)對表演藝術周邊商品的觀點。研究發現,對表演藝術團體而言,表演藝術周邊商品不僅可增加票房外產值,透過其有形載體,可將表演藝術之無形加以保存,見證了文化、歷史,以及表演藝術團體曾經存在的價值;並能產生無遠弗屆的傳遞效果,因而達成了行銷的功能。藉由周邊商品,更可教育觀眾、創造工作機會、整合組織內外,成為表演藝術品牌形象之表徵。 從消費端來看,「價值」是現代人們對待事物的評價標準。本文運用Sheth、Newman和Gross的消費價值與選擇理論探究消費者如何看待表演藝術周邊商品。研究發現,當表演藝術文本符號之傳遞過程影響觀賞者之情緒,再加上商品之設計融合創新與美感時,最易促成周邊商品之消費行為產生。唯表演藝術易逝之特性亦深刻影響消費者之購買時機,當觀眾離開表演場域,周邊商品之消費價值亦隨之淡化。 值此文化創意產業喧騰之際,研究所得之結果,期望可為日後表演藝術團體開發、行銷周邊商品之參考,並提供國內表演藝術團體產業化經營思考之可行性。


Performing Arts Augment Products can be used as the performing arts box office, government subsidies, corporate sponsorship of other ways to be developed to expand the financial resources. Abroad, such as Phantom of the Opera, Cirque du Soleil, the Hong Kong PIP Theatre, in the development of Performing Arts Augment Products is quite mature. However, for most of Taiwan's performing arts groups, the development of augment product is still preliminary. The author hopes to establish the essence of Performing Arts Augment Products as a basis for future development. This study explore the view of performing arts groups (produced side) and consumers (consumer side). The research discovered that the Performing Arts Augment Products may increase the income outside the box office. By its visible carrier, the performing arts can be preserved, and could prove the culture, the history, the value of performing arts association once existed. Through the Performing Arts Augment Products, performing arts transmit remotely, therefore sales the performing arts. Also, it may educate the audience, creation job opportunity, and conformity organization, enables the performing arts to have the brand attribute. From the consumer side of view, "Value " is the standard that people deal with things. This research is based on Sheth, Newman and the Gross consumption value and the choice theory. The author hopes to explore how the consumer does regard the Performing Arts Augment Products. Study found that, when the performing arts affect the emotion of audience, coupled with the innovative and aesthetic design of products, easy to promote the consumption behavior of Performing Arts Augment Products. Easy passage of performing arts characteristic affects purchase opportunity of the augment products. When the audience leaves the performance field, the consumption value of the augment products will get down. On this occasion of cultural and creative industries hit the headlines, the study is expected as a reference for performing arts groups to develop and market the augment products. And provides performing arts groups the feasibility of industrial management.


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