  • 學位論文


The Study of Performing Arts Audience’s Lifestyle and Viewing Motivation

指導教授 : 曾義明


這些年來,文建會致力於以容易理解的方式向大眾推廣表演藝術的知識與內涵,及台灣表演藝術的發展與未來等,藉以吸引民眾產生觀賞的興趣。同時,因台灣經濟日趨穩定,在物質生活日漸充足之餘,人們越來越重視休閒活動,並積極追求精神層面的提升。因此,觀賞表演藝術活動便成了消費者眾多的休閒活動之一,而參與藝文活動及相關展覽亦成為日常生活的一部份。 然而隨著時代的改變,人類的生活方式、資訊來源、消費習慣等都會有所不同,這些都可歸納於生活型態的類別。在了解消費者生活型態後,有助於表演藝術團體針對各種不同生活型態族群的特徵,能以不同的行銷方式吸引不同族群。除此之外,在了解影響消費者的觀賞動機後,可針對不同觀賞動機加強產品的誘因,藉以建立消費者的熱情與忠誠度,讓表演藝術成為永續經營的產品。 本研究以參與售票性質表演藝術活動之觀眾作為對象,將表演藝術活動分為音樂、戲劇、舞蹈及傳統戲曲等四種類別,透過發放問卷的方式,了解生活型態、觀賞動機對於表演藝術觀賞者在選擇表演藝術類型時之影響。問卷結果顯示,觀賞者仍以女性為主,且大多是界於21-40歲之間之未婚者為居多,而平均月收入在30,001-50,000元之間。在生活型態方面,較常觀賞舞蹈及傳統戲曲者,對文藝知識注意程度較明顯的高於其他類別,而較常觀賞音樂者對網路娛樂注重及使用程度較明顯的高於其他類別。在觀賞動機方面,各類別並無明顯差異。 由研究結果發現,雖然女性現仍為表演藝術活動的主要觀賞者,但近年來男性參與觀賞的頻次亦有增加的趨勢,因此可考慮多些以男性角度做考量的節目編排。此外,網路已成為現今多數人生活中不可或缺的東西,因此可加強主要社群網站之廣告行銷」網路購票、劃位、付款等。再者,可針對不同客群設計不同優惠銷售方式,以吸引主要客群的消費意願。期本研究結果可提供表演藝術團體於制定策略與評估行銷之參考。


Recently, there are many people have interest in performing arts in Taiwan. That’s because Council for Cultural Affairs promote the performing arts knowledge and future by the way to easy to understand. In the meantime, the economic is growing up in Taiwan. So the leisure is more important for people. Therefore, it is part of life to attend performing arts. The lifestyle is including the different way to live, information resource and habit of consumers. It can design different marketing strategy after understanding the different lifestyle between different consumers. Otherwise, to understand the viewing motivation of different consumers is helpful for to build the enthusiasm and loyal of consumers. The study has proposed to examine the lifestyles and viewing motivation on audiences of four different performing arts type, i.e. music, theatre, dance and traditional drama. Aided by questionnaire polls, participants of selling ticket performing arts activities are selected as the study subjects. Preliminary findings, the most audiences are female, unmarried between 21-40 age, the income per month is between 30,001-50,000 NT dollars. On lifestyle, the dance and traditional drama audiences are most interesting on performing arts information and the music audiences are most interesting on internet using. On viewing motivation, all audiences are not obvious different. The study result shows that the most audiences are female, but it’s more and more male have interest on performing arts, so it should consider to design more program from male way. Otherwise, the internet is more important for most people in the life, so it can promote on the social website and buy the ticket or pay for that on internet. Expect this study can help the group of performing arts to make strategy plan.


Performing Lifestyle Viewing Motivation


17.馬斯洛(Abraham Maslow),動機與人格,許金聲、陳朝翔譯,華夏出版社,1987年。


