  • 學位論文


Female Images of Costume Exhibition at The National Museum of Singapore

指導教授 : 陳佳利


作為文化治理的機構,博物館回應當代社會性別平權最顯著的成果,即是增加女性主題展示。其中,許多博物館選擇以「服飾」主題再現女性。本研究以新加坡國家博物館為研究場域,探究其常設展再現女性與服飾的策略與元素,思考常設展中的女性與服裝主題展示之社會脈絡為何?展示所再現的女性社會角色與意涵為何? 本文運用訪談與展示分析法,分析新加坡國家博物館常設展所再現的女性意象。研究發現,歷史展館的女性展示,雖突破過往博物館展示中女性的缺席與居家化,呈現出不同職業的女性故事,但展示設計仍未脫父權視線,生產去性化、去身體的女性意象。而以1950 至1970 年代新加坡中產階級女性流行服飾為主題的「時尚展廳」,則運用展場設計與物件展示,打造理想「新」女性應有的性別氣質。整體而言,新加坡國家博物館常設展示中的女性主題展示,一方面可視 為當代新加坡社會性別意識提升之再現。另一方面,博物館也藉由女性主題展示, 把女性併入國家發展的歷史ﰂ事、推銷進步價值與規劃理想女性形象。雖然如此, 再現與女性經驗的密切相關的服飾物件,亦具備發展女性主義博物館展示的潛能。本研究建議,未來臺灣在策劃女性主題與服飾相關展示時,可參考歷史展館之展示方式,適度加入口述資料,以呈現女性角色及其服飾之社會意涵等不同面向。而以女性時尚為主的展覽,則可以進一步連結女性身體感官經驗、女性情誼和性別裝扮等議題。期望博物館能以帶有女性主義意識之展示,配合博物館ﰁ育活動, 拆解觀眾的性別刻板印象,進而探索當代社會中多元的女性角色與服裝經驗。


As institutions of cultural governance, museums responded to the voice for gender equality in contemporary society through a growing number of female-themed exhibitions, and among them, many chose “costumes” to represent women. This study takes the permanent galleries of the National Museum of Singapore (NMS) as a case study to investigate the strategies and elements in representing women by clothing. What is the social context of displaying women’s clothes and fashion in NMS? What implications and social roles of womendid the permanent galleries represent? This paper analyzes the female images shown in the permanent galleries at NMS by applying semi-structured interviews and exhibition analysis as methods. Unlike exhibitions in the past, the History Gallery represents different women’s stories in relation to their jobs and careers. However, its design still follows the male gaze and produces desexualized and disembodied female images. On the other hand, the Fashion Gallery displays Singaporean middle class women’s clothing in the 1950s-1970s, which constructs the ideal femininity expected of Singaporean women. Overall, both exhibitions increased gender awareness in Singapore as well as shown intention to incorporate women into national discourse by promoting the value of development and projecting the ideal female images. Moreover, displaying costumes closely intertwined with women’s experiences has shown potentials for developing feminist exhibitions. The study propose that museums in Taiwan can apply strategies of the History Gallery’s exhibition of NMS by adding oral materials and showing different aspects of women and their clothing in reference to their social roles. While a more fashion-related exhibition can demonstrate women’s sensory and bodily experiences of dressing, sisterhood and cross-gender dressing. It is hoped that museums will bring feminist perspectives into exhibitions with proper educational activities and help audience dismantle gender stereotypes and investigate diverse female roles and experiences of dressing in contemporary society.


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