  • 學位論文


The Effects of Creative Dance on Psychological Disturbance in People Living with HIV/AIDS

指導教授 : 王雲幼
共同指導教授 : 李思賢




創造性舞蹈 愛滋 生活品質


The present research is intended to examine how creative dance can assist people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) to lessen their mental disturbance. Psychological disturbances are commonly seen in PLWHA. Creative dance, which has an element of social interaction and expression, may serve as a media to assist PLWHA in dealing with these perturbations. There is no systemic research found in investigating the effects of creative dance on PLWHA. The present research utilised single subject design. Specifically, seven PLWHA participated in a creative dance workshop, which was 1.5 hours per session, two sessions a week for eight weeks. Their quality of life (as measured using WHOQOL Taiwan-BREF) and mood (as assessed using Profile of Mood States) were assessed one week and immediately before participation, in the fourth and eighth week of participation as well as four and eight weeks following completion of the workshop. Subjects’ sharing and feedback were also gathered at the end of each session. The results from the available four subjects hinted improvements in the physiological and psychological domain of the WHOQOL Taiwan-BREF. Feedback from participants further suggested improvements in physiological, psychological and social relationship domain. These findings implicate the beneficial effects of creative dance in lessening PLWHA’s psychological disturbance. A larger sample size is recommended for future research.


Creative dance HIV AIDS Quality of life


古力巴,顏璧梅,傅麗安和陳宜民(2007)。Needs Assessment of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan。臺灣公共衛生雜誌,26(1),38-48。
姚開屏. (2002). 台灣版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷之發展與應用. 臺灣醫學,6(2),193-200。
