  • 學位論文


Action Research of Creative Dance Teaching on Peer Interaction of Junior High School Students with Disabilities.

指導教授 : 何素華


本研究旨在探討「創造性舞蹈教學」對國中身心障礙學生在同儕互動之影響,藉由創造性舞蹈教學的實施來改善他們和同儕互動的情形,並從整個研究過程中檢視研究者所設計之創造性舞蹈教學課程及教學歷程之適宜性。研究者本身以教學者、課程設計者、觀察者的角色與另一位觀察者一起進行研究,以行動研究方式將同儕互動融於舞蹈課中。研究對象為2位國三的身心障礙學生,研究進行兩個月共13次教學。藉由觀察、訪談、影帶紀錄、創造性舞蹈評量表、學生回饋意見、討論會議紀錄、研究者之省思札記等多元資料綜合分析本研究之成果。 研究結果顯示: 一、對身心障礙學生實施創造性舞蹈教學,可經由概念介紹、暖身、主題探索、自由與即興及緩和與結束五個步驟實施並且須根據學生之反映調整教學。 二、兩位個案在接受創造性舞蹈教學後,在「關係」、「動力」、「肢體」、「空間」等動作元素都呈現穩定的進步。 三、接受「創造性舞蹈」教學之國中身心障礙學生,在同儕互動頻率及品質和同儕接受度均有提升。 最後,研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,做為未來創造性舞蹈教學應用及相關研究之參考。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of creative dance teaching on peer interaction of junior high school students with disabilities. The researcher intended to promote the frequency and quality of peer interaction through creative dance teaching as well as to examine the suitability of curriculum and the teaching process. The researcher plays a role as a teacher, curriculum designer, and observer and conducted this research with another observer. An action research was used to investigate the peer interaction through creative dance curriculum. Two ninth grade students from a junior high school received the creative dance teaching for two months instruction. The data was collected from multi resource including observation, video-tape recording, students’ feedback, interviews, and teacher’s reflections. The results of the research revealed that:(a) when teaching creative dance to students with disabilities, teacher should design and adjust curriculum according to the teaching purpose and students’ abilities and learning needs; (b) both subjects made steady process in relationships, space, body and dynamics elements of movement; and(c) creative dance can increase the frequency and quality of peer interaction of junior high school students with disabilities. Based on the result of the study, the researcher also discussed and provided concrete suggestions for creative dance teaching and future research.


