  • 學位論文

藝術對話課程提升老人幸福感之研究: 藝術對話課程提升老人幸福感之研究:以臺北市文山區○○老人安養護中心為例

Arts Dialogue Courses to Promote the Happiness of the Elders: A Case Study on the Nursing Home in Wenshan District, Taipei

指導教授 : 容淑華


研究者於臺北市文山區○○老人安養護中心進行「『藝』起幸福藝術課」,嘗試以群體對話連結多元藝術創作形式,帶領老人分享過去人生經驗,並將分享內容轉化為《我的幸福小書》藝術創作,引導老人再度統整生命。 本案以A/r/tography(Irwin, R. L.& Cosson, A.d.Eds.(2004).)為方法論,重視知覺作用於創作、表述理解、教學的藝術與科學間的效應,意在獲得深刻意義而非尋找確定性。本研究趨近敘事研究中「類別-內容」模式,類別為安養中心老人,內容則是藝術對話課程是否可以讓老人產生幸福感。資料來源為省思日誌、藝術對話課程紀錄、參與者訪談資料、老人藝術作品。 研究以Erik H. Erikson(1902-1994)之Vital Involvement in Old Age(1986)研究報告為理解老人的重要文獻。另以Maurice Merleau-Ponty(1908-1961)的身體現象學作為老人群體進行藝術對話課程的解析之眼。 藉由研究發現藝術對話課程:一、使老人適應生理老化。二、以合作學習方式進行藝術對話課程,促進中心老人人際關係。三、老人面對心理的感受與自身以外的變動時能藉課程抒發,促進身心健康。四、引導老人產生幸福感。


The researcher leads the course programme named “ Arts together, Happy together” in the nursing home of the elders in Wenshan District, Taipei. The courses prigramme was proceeded through the group dialogue and then combined multiple arts forms to stimulate peoples’ creation. Firstly, the courses lead the elders to share their past life experiences. Secondly , the elders transform their experiences into the art booklets My Happiness. Finally , the courses lead the elders to rethink and reconstruct their lives. The study is based on A/r/tography(Irwin, R. L.& Cosson, A.d.Eds.(2004).),which emphasizes the effect of perception among creation, understanding, teaching, and science etc. It seeks deep meaning as well as certainty. This study is similar with the categorical - content model of the narrative inquiry. Category is as the elders living in the nursing home, and content is whether the courses bring happiness to the elders or not. Resources are the reflection diaries, the courses’ records, interview with the participants, arts works from the elders. The study takes Vital Involvement in Old Age(E, H. Erikson, 1986)as main references for understanding the elders’ changes, and additionally takes phenomenology of the body (Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 1908-1961 ) to analyze arts dialogue among all these participants. This study shows that the courses bring the results as follows: 1. The elders adapt to their physical ageing. 2. The elders enhanc their relationship through cooperative learning. 3. The elders release their emotion to promoted their physical and mental health. 4. The elders are led to find happiness.


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