  • 學位論文


Museum's Art Practice in Community:The Research on “Street Fun, Fun Street” Community Art Festival of The Museum of Contemporary Arts in Taipei

指導教授 : 廖仁義


本研究以臺北當代藝術館(以下簡稱當代館)「街大歡囍」社區藝術節為對象,探討美術館的社區藝術實踐如何建構社區意識與認同。座落於臺北市大同區的當代館,其自身的歷史脈絡擁有珍貴的市民集體文化記憶,造就了它在地理人文區位上的特殊性。 自2009年起,當代館以「藝術介入空間」的思考點,秉持「社區深耕經營」、「新舊文化結合」與「生活美學教育」方針,策畫了一系列藝術進入社區的展覽活動。從「南西當紅˙中山印象」系列展覽,到每年中秋佳節前後固定舉辦的「街大歡囍」社區藝術節,當代館四年來針對臺北市大同區光能里赤峰街區,進行各種藝文展演活動的規劃與執行,透過結合在地里民及當代藝術家創作,以一連串取材自社區空間的創作元素,導入臺灣年輕創意與常民生活美學的激盪,企圖推動藝術與普羅大眾之間的連結。 本研究主要從「文化政策下的社區與藝術」及「美術館與社區藝術實踐」兩方面探討之。首先回顧臺灣的文化政策走向,了解社區與藝術產生交集近而相輔相成的環境背景;其次,探討美術館與社區的關係,透過爬梳博物館與社區互動的思潮脈絡,剖析近代美術館的發展與社會角色的轉變,進而了解美術館與社區藝術教育之間的互動;此部分都將以國際學說思潮的演變,藉以對照臺灣,釐清國內的發展脈動。最後,經由研究個案「街大歡囍」社區藝術節,瞭解當代館與社區透過藝術實踐所呈現的互動關係的實際狀況,進而解析其如何透過展示整合資源與在地空間做連結,並將展演價值轉化為在地衍生的動力。


The target of this research is based on “Street Fun, Fun Street Community Art Festival” of The Museum of Contemporary Arts in Taipei (MOCA), and the discussion of how to construct community consciousness and its identification. MOCA is located in Tatung district of Taipei City. The long history of the museum is a convergence of both historical and cultural assets for the residents of the city, and this is exactly what has accomplished the uniqueness of its geographical and humanism status. Since 2009, MOCA has been using “Art intervention” as a starting point to plan a series of art projects for the community exhibition, based on the strategies of “Community substantial management ”, “Cultural integration of new and old”, and “Life- Aesthetic education”. From series of “Exhibition surrounding Zhongshan metro station” to the yearly hold “Fun Street Community Art Festival”, MOCA has been planning and promoting various forms of art and activities through the cooperation with the local artists and to obtain the elements of creation from the local community, attempting to motivate the link between art and the people by leading-in the creations of the young artists and the esthetics of the civilization. The study primarily focuses on two faces—“The community and art under the Taiwan cultural policy ” and “Museum and the practice of community art”. Firstly, the thesis review the cultural policies of Taiwan in order to understand the background of how community and art complement each other; secondly, we discuss the relationship between the museum and the community. This thesis also analyze the development of the modern art museum and its changes in the aspect of the role it plays in the society by realizing the interaction between the museum and the community; furthermore, to understand the interaction between the art museum and the community education of fine art. We will compare it with the changes of international trend of thought to clarify its development within Taiwan. Lastly, through the case study of “Fun Street Community Art Festival” allows us to perceive the whole concept of how MOCA and the community interact with each other through the practice of fine art, and we can therefore make an analysis on the link of how MOCA integrates resources and spaces to turn display value into the motivations of self-development.


一、 中文文獻
吉見俊哉 著,蘇碩斌等譯,2010。博覽會的政治學。臺北:群學。


