  • 學位論文

音樂療育課程對身心障礙生 注意力影響之研究:以高職綜合職能科為例

A research about The Effect of Music therapy curriculum on attention for The Disabilities : Example For Vocational high school Student with intellectual disability

指導教授 : 閻自安


本研究旨在探討音樂療育課程是否能改善高職綜合職能科學生注意力相關之問題行為,對此進行研究分析。以桃園市某高職綜合職能科三位高一生經鑑輔會鑑定為智能障礙之學生作為研究對象。三位個案與班上同學一同參與音樂療育活動,採用單一受試研究法(single-subject research design)之A-B-A撤回設計(withdrawal design),研究步驟包含基線期、介入期、維持期三階段,自變項為音樂療育課程,依變項為注意力相關之問題行為,透過十週的音樂療育課程,統計個案整體注意力行為(搶話行為、分心行為與干擾行為)資料,繪製成曲線圖並透過視覺分析法(visual inspection)分析結果,並搭配教室觀察日誌做為質性資料之輔佐。 綜合本研究結果發現如下: 壹、 音樂療育課程可改善高職身心障礙學生之注意力。 一、 音樂療育課程可降低搶話行為。 二、 音樂療育課程可降低分心行為。 三、 音樂療育課程可降低干擾行為。 貳、 音樂療育課程使注意力相關問題行為之介入期低於基限期與維持期。 參、 音樂療育課程能夠提升高職綜合職能科學生之參與度。 研究者就以上研究結果分別提出教學方面、介入策略以及未來研究發展之相關建議,以供未來研究者參考。


This research is designed to explore whether Music therapy curriculum can improve attention related problematic behavior of Vocational high school Student with intellectual disability. Relevant study and analysis has been conducted accordingly with three fresh students of a special class in a vocational high school in Taoyuan City as research objects. The three students have been identified with intellectual disorder by the Appraisal and Advisory Council and have attended the same Music therapy curriculum with the rest of the class. The research adopts A-B-A withdrawal design of single-subject research design with procedures including three stages of baseline, intervention, and maintaining. Independent variable of the research is Music therapy curriculum while dependent variable is attention related problematic behavior. Objects' data of overall behavior of attention (including interrupting conversation, distraction, and rumble) during the ten-week Music therapy curriculum has been collected and plotted into curve chart for result analysis through visual inspection. At the meantime, class observation diary has been used as a help of qualitative data. Findings of the research are as follows: 1. Music therapy curriculum can improve attentiveness of high school special class students who have intellectual disorder A. Music therapy curriculum can reduce behavior of interrupting conversations. B. Music therapy curriculum can decrease distraction. C. Music therapy curriculum can reduce behavior of rumble. 2. Comparing with baseline and maintenance stages, Music therapy curriculum lowered attention related problematic behavior during intervention stage. 3. Music therapy curriculum can increase participation of special class students in high vocational schools. Recommendations related to education, intervention strategy, and future research development has been raised respectively by the researcher according to above results so that other researchers can take for reference in future.


