  • 學位論文


Performative Curating:Case Study of Three Taiwanese Exhibitions

指導教授 : 林宏璋




Since the twentieth century, artworks have escaped from canvas and frame, from static piece to dynamic cultural events. The influence of the curators for operating exhibitions has become significantly. This thesis attempts to define the term “Performative Curating,” using former research on performativity in JL. Austin’s speech act theory, to Judy Butler’s development on the theory of gender performativity. Analyzing the curatorial practices through discursive declarations and event operations for case studies, comparing three Taiwanese curatorial practices: Fang Wei Zhang's "Whose Exhibition is This", HongJhon Lin and Tirdad Zolghadr's "TB2010 Taipei Biennial" and Pauline J. Yao and Meiya Zheng’s "Trading Futrues." Through literature and case studies we can summarize that, Performative Curating has the reflexive qualities, and the exhibitions this kind present their system has to be adjusted or is ossified. Curators instigate “Performative Subversion” to make the system flexible again, and construct a temporary and ambiguous space. Performative Curating has brought up some qualitative change for curatorial and exhibition art history. The exhibition turns from spatial orientation to process based, building up temporary construction for a variety of situations, through some special ceremony or ongoing mediation operations, mobilization and involvement of social relationships.


Michael Fried, Art and Objecthood, Artforum 5, June 1967
Sol LeWitt,Paragraphs on Conceptual Art,Art Forum Vol.5, no.10, 1967
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Prime battaglie futuriste, Milan:Mondadori, 1968
Michael Kirby, Futurist Performance, New York: E.P. Dutton and Co. 1971
Judith Butler, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and
