  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Applying Room 56’s Guiding Principles on Keat Hwa High School Art Classes

指導教授 : 吳岱融


馬來西亞華人藝術自中國清代末年迄今,經歷政治型態變化、社會文藝思潮、多元文化等衝擊下,已創造出不同於中國藝術的新美術風貌,並隨著時代的腳步與大環境的變化而呈現多元的發展。然而美術教育於馬來西亞華文獨立中學(簡稱獨中)教育體制中發展逾一百年,卻仍存在重數理輕人文學習的環境考驗、教學互動的缺乏、教學評量的壓力以及課程內容與學習者生活經驗的差距等現象,可能與研究者過去在教學現場對學習者課堂反應的非正式觀察有關:大部分學生對美術課程多半感到興致缺缺,同時認爲藝術與他們的生活毫無關聯。 教育非一朝一夕之事,教學者的理念,課程內容、教學方法與願景的設定都是教學中不可或缺的條件。教育領域中不乏優秀的理論學者與實務教師,其中美國洛杉磯霍巴特小學(Hobart Boulevart Elementary School)教師 Rafe Esquith,成功引發其所任教之第56號教室中大部分學習者的學習動機。Esquith除了奪得1992年「全美最佳教師獎」之外,其教學策略也使第56號教室的美術課散發魅力,更讓其成為第一位在不具備藝術專業背景條件下,勇奪美國「總統國家藝術獎」的學者。 本研究參照 Esquith 之相關文獻、評論、影音等資料,聚焦於其教學理念、美術相關課程内容、教學方法與願景融入等策略進行探討,並以「跟你『拼』了」美術課程體現其策略。研究結果發現,該教學策略之融入,對引起獨中現階段美術學習的動機確實有所助益;同時,透過國內外藝術教育發展沿革、道德發展六階段等相關理論的輔佐下進行教學策略的修正,更進一步觸動了獨中美術學習內在動力的持續性,讓學習者的生活與美術產生實質的連結,為獨中美術教學的長遠經營注入新的可能性。


Visual art education in Malaysia’s Chinese Independent High School (CIHS) has developed for a century, echoing the contour of changing social contexts. However, non-humanities oriented curriculum planning, gap between curriculum and real life , lack of interactive in teaching and learning, and tension in teaching assessments, have brought influences into the classroom, resulting in the lack of student interests in visual art learning. Education and learning, like Rome, was not built in a day. Rafe Esquith, an award-winning American teacher at Hobart Boulevard Elementary School, Los Angeles, California, had been there for his 5th graders at Room 56 for the last 25 years. Esquith as an educator, with his teaching philosophy, extraordinary teaching methods, and creation of a positive classroom environment, has successfully stimulated and motivated students’ interests and active learning. Visual art learning in Room 56 is therefore full of enchantment. This study explores the teaching methods of Esquith’s Room 56, looking into pertinent literature, reviews, and media recordings. Focusing on the teaching philosophy, visual art-related curriculum, teaching methods, and learning environment, analysis were made to further adapt and amend the CIHS visual art curriculum, resulting in an 8-week curriculum practice conducted by the researcher. Data collected through the classroom recordings and informal interviews were then analyzed, reviewing on the possibility of adopting Room 56’s measure in the context of CIHS Visual Art curriculum, thereupon summing up reflections and bringing forth suggestions concerning visual art education practice in CIHS.


