  • 學位論文


The Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Use of Picture Books in the School Visit to the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology

指導教授 : 陳佳利


今日考古類型博物館為推廣考古學知識,必須將專業的考古學知識轉換成適合觀眾吸收、學習之形式。本研究探討台北縣立十三行博物館圖畫書與國小教師應用圖畫書教學現況及其博物館教育理念,採用立意取樣之多重個案質性研究,非參與式觀察、半結構式訪談,訪談六名運用十三行博物館圖畫書進行教學參訪的台北縣國小教師,以深入瞭解教師如何使用博物館圖畫書,並指出教師運用十三行博物館圖畫的潛力與可能的限制,提供未來國小教師運用博物館圖畫書之參考。 根據研究發現歸納出國小教師認為博物館發行圖畫書用意良好,學生事先瞭解十三行博物館之展示主題與內涵,建立觀展前的先備知識,提高觀展的興趣,幫助學生在博物館學習。教師以圖畫書進行教學時,除了本身教學專業能力外,在選用圖畫書的考量因素上,特別著重與當天參觀主題相關、貼近學生認知程度的圖畫書,較受教師青睞。不過教師也建議圖畫書仍需結合周邊資源協助在課堂的呈現,讓學生學習能更投入。對博物館而言,需要再思考圖畫書內容的適切性以及發展適合教師教學的學習資源,並在學習活動與展示規畫中融入圖畫書的元素,以增進而同對考古文物的親切並加強學習。教師則可在參觀過程中多運用物件引導學生學習,並於課後的教學活動中融入學校課程,以達成較為完善的教學歷程。


In order to promote archaeological knowledge, archaeological museum today must be converted professional archaeological knowledge into the form of leaning that absorbed easily by visitors. The study discusses picture books of the Shihsanhang Museum and current situation that elementary teachers’ use of teaching with their ideas about museum education. The study adoptes purposive sampling of the multiple qualitative case studies, non-participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with six elementary school teachers to understand how they use picture books of the Shihsanhang Museum into teaching. It indicates the potentials and limitations from teachers’ using the museum picture books, and provides suggestions to elementary school teachers in the future. It is found that teachers think it is well-intentioned that museums published picture books, which helps establish students’ prior knowledge of the Shihsanhang Museum, raise interest of exhibits, and help their learning in the museum. In addition, applying picture books for teaching can improve teachers’ teaching professional skills. The main concerns of teachers’ use of picture books focus on topics related with their visit and close to the cognitive levels of students. They also recommend the need to combine resources to assist their presentation in teaching to engage students further in the classroom. Museum need to rethink the content of picture books, the appropriateness of the development of learning resources for teaching as well as integration of picture books to the exhibition and learning activities. During the visit, teachers can use more objects to guide students to learn and achieve better learning outcomes by follow-up activities into the school curriculum.


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