  • 學位論文


A Study of Cultural Landscape Changing in Beitou Park

指導教授 : 洪孟啟


本研究企圖重現百年來北投公園的地景面貌,透過文獻分析、田野調查兩方面,從「文化地景」的角度審視各時期空間意義的演變。1913(大正2)年在臺北廳計畫下建設的北投公園,其發展歷程與北投溫泉地發展史並進,日本時代的主軸是以溫泉公共浴場為核心的「一大遊園地」,在現代化重金打造之下,新式大浴場、園內景觀、筆直寬敞的馬路、方便的交通建設等,成為溫泉地觀光的焦點,園內也常用來舉行在地慶典及活動。但總體而言,這座計畫建設下的公園,是為了解日人鄉愁、宣揚政績、發展浴場觀光而設立,整個氛圍與一般臺灣人還是有所隔閡。 1945(民國34)年,臺灣光復,在國民政府中華文化思維下,充滿濃濃日本味的新北投,瞬間變了模樣,公共浴場被改建為「中山堂」,充當政府各單位辦公室、禮堂及游泳池之用,此時溫泉鄉公共遊園地的象徵性降低,讓民眾與公園更加親近了。1979(民國68)年廢娼政令一出,新北投瞬間沒落,政府提出興建纜車以復興觀光的建議,欲將中山堂拆除建設纜車起站,在此同時在地興起一場文化運動,保留了溫泉公共浴場並改建為「溫泉博物館」,且整建北投公園讓它回到原初的乾淨面貌,並計畫將鄰近區域整合為「生活環境博物園區」,以永續經營的理念,發展在地特色,吸引民眾前來觀光,取代北投纜車可能帶來破壞性建設。 近年來,整建完成的北投公園內舉辦著各式各樣的活動,新北投也躍昇為全臺首屈一指的觀光景點之一,這些發生在公園內的大小事,各自詮釋了地景的意義。同時北投溪畔重建了「北投圖書館」,是以順應環境的方式建造的綠建築,展現環境永續發展的理念。這樣生機盎然的公園看似平靜,卻因纜車事件,贊成與反對二方不斷爭辯,使公園未來的命運走向未知。順著時間的演進,北投公園地景的意義不斷流變,如今人人皆可表述自己的意見,也使得地景有多樣面貌,期盼在這樣的空間詮釋權競逐之下,能朝向永續發展前進。


This study plans to reproduce the landscape of Beitou Park in the last one hundred years. By adopting the methods of literature analysis, interview and actual participation, this thesis explores the evolution of the space in each period. 1913 Japanese colonial government built Beitou Park as a recreation ground. During those years all sorts of modern constructions, such as one large thermal bath, the fountains, the bridges, and the Xinbeitou train station, attracted tourists in Taiwan. However, Beitou Park has been built for praising Japanese colonial achievements and consoling nostalgia of those Japanese people who lived in Taiwan. Those political goals were more important than public leisure. The administration of ROC took over Taiwan since 1945. The government emphasized Chinese culture rather than Japanese culture and construction. The large thermal bath was rebuilt as “Zhongshan Hall” and took it as the office, the auditorium, and the swimming pool. Residents could get closer to Beitou Park by using those facilities. 1979 the Taipei City Governmant has banned from prostitution and let the tourism industry fell into decline immediately in Xinbeitou. Taipei City Government decided to build “Beitou Gondola” for recovering the local economy. However, to construct the Beitou Gondola needed to dismantle Zhongshan Hall. The teachers and students of Beitou Elementary School got together not only to protest against the Government for the plan of destroying the large thermal bath, but also promoted a series of cultural preservation events in Xinbeitou. After several decades of efforts, Beitou Park has been changed to a new situation. Local non-profit organizations have tended to integrate neighboring regions as a “Beitou Eco-Museum”, and have expected to develop the ecological environment and community sustainably. Several events were held in Beitou Park recently, which represented diverse scenes of the landscape, and Xinbeitou has become one of the best sightseeing spot in Taiwan. Beitou Library, under the concept of the Green Building methods, is the most attractive construction in Beitou Park. Apparently this park looked as peaceful, but people never stopped argued with the policy of Beitou Gondola for decades. After all in botton of my mind, all I expect is keep this place be an unique, beautiful and harmonious garden in Taiwan.


2003 〈地租的藝術:全球化、壟斷與文化的商品化〉,王志弘譯,《城市與設計學報》15/16:2003。
2007 〈日治時期在臺日人的植櫻與櫻花意象:「內地」風景的發現、移植與櫻花論述〉《臺灣史研究》14(3):97-138。
2006 〈觀光�被觀光:日治臺灣旅遊活動的社會學考察〉《臺灣社會學刊》36:167-209。


