  • 學位論文


The Refurbishing Computer Operations for Philanthropy in Reverse Supply Chain

指導教授 : 朱文禎


隨著電子產品使用的普及化所產生的電子廢棄物數量也隨之增加。在各項電子廢棄物處置處理中,「再生電腦」(refurbished computer)將可用零件再重組為可用電腦,可以有效減少產品資源消耗與降低碳足跡。本研究經過紮根理論(Grounded Theory)歸納出影響再生電腦逆向供應鏈的161項概念,並整理出影響再生電腦逆向供應鏈的8個影響因素,再以決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)分析各項因素彼此之間重要性並建立互相影響關係圖。結果發現法令是最重要的原因,可以影響廢棄電腦的供應者的組織承諾及外部壓力,也會影響再生電腦再製者的資源與整合協調。在準則分析中發現: 1.組織承諾中為「公司政策」為最重要準則;2.「社會環保意識」為外部壓力中最重要準則;3.「獎勵」為效益中最重要準則;4.「組織寬裕」為資源之最重要準則;5.「支持與協調」為整合與協調中最重要之準則。


With the popularity of electronic products, the electronic waste had increased dramatically. These end - of - life computer refurbishing operations effectively reduce resource consumption as well as carbon footprint among these e-waste disposal processes. The study identifies eight key factors of refurbished computers in reverse supply chain through inducing 161 impact concepts with a support of grounded theory. Then, it investigates the causal relationship among these factors and proposes a framework for refurbished computers in reserve supply chain using the cognition mapping process DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory). Results find government legislation is the most important factor affecting the organization commitment as well as the external pressure of suppliers. Moreover, this driver factor affects resource, integration and coordination of remanufacturers. Lastly, criterions analysis show (1) the company policy is the most important criterion in the organizational commitment factor; (2) the social environmental awareness is the most criterion in the external pressure factor; (3) the rewards is the most criterion in the effective factor; (4) the organization slack is the most critical criterion in the resource factor; (5) the support and coordination is the most critical criterion in the integration and coordination factor.


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