  • 學位論文


Influence of safety and health training and personal risk taking behavior on occupational injuries- using members of a southern carpenters’ union as an example

指導教授 : 李素幸


摘要 依勞委會資料顯示在2009年職業工會會員之職業傷病發生率甚高,而木工工會之職災給付為各類工會之第二位,僅次於營造業職業工會。綜觀學術界對於營造業已有大幅研究成果;而對於木工業相關研究及減災計畫尚付闕如。目前職業工會對其所屬會員均有提供教育訓練服務,但其災害預防成效卻未曾評估過,因此本研究目的在於瞭解木工業職業工會會員接受安全衛生教育訓練情形及職業傷害之現況,並進一步探討安全衛生教育訓練、個人冒險傾向與不安全行為或職業傷害之相關性。本研究以南部某縣市木工業職業工會的會員為研究群體進行橫斷研究調查,以立意取樣調查500位會員,共回收456份有效問卷。問卷內容包括安全衛生教育訓練、職業傷害、工作狀況及個人基本資料,並利用SAS統計軟體進行資料分析。 調查結果發現,43%的木工會員過去一年內在工作時曾發生至少需要擦藥等情況的傷害,傷者中有11%的人曾接受住院治療,被切、割、擦傷為最常見的受傷類型,扳手為最重要的媒介物,手指為最常受傷的部位。在不安全行為的表現上,大多數的木工工會會員不習慣在吵雜工作環境中佩戴耳罩或耳塞及會雙腳夾著合梯移動。在安全衛生教育訓練方面,有43%的木工工會會員未曾接受過政府或木工工會舉辦的訓練教育訓練,多數未受訓會員表示不曾接收過訓練的訊息,且木工會員認為最大的訓練需求為安衛法令的認識。安全衛生教育訓練與不安全行為有關,但與職業傷害無關。在對職業傷害及不安全行為的影響上,冒險傾向與安全衛生教育訓練並無交互作用關係。多因子分析發現,冒險傾向、不安全行為、學歷及工作性質是影響職業傷害的重要危險因子;參加政府或工會舉辦的安全衛生教育訓練、冒險傾向、每日睡覺時數及性別為重要危險因子。 木工會員的職業傷害情況極為普遍,而會員接受安全衛生教育訓練的情況也不理想,未來應透過危險因子的控制進行減災,並強化工會訓練的辦理工作。


Abstract According to the statistics of Council of Labor Affairs, members of occupational unions experienced high incidence of occupational injuries and illness in2009. Members of carpenter union in all received the second highest workers’ compensation payment, which was less than that received by members of the construction union. Nowadays, plenty studies have been conducted among construction workers, while limited studies have been done for carpenters. Currently most unions have provided safety and health education for their members, but the effectiveness of the education has yet to be evaluated. The purpose of this study was to understand the current safety and health education and conditions of workplace injuries among members of regional carpenter union, and to investigate the relationship within safety and health education, risk-taking propensity, unsafety behavior and workplace injuries. This study conducted cross-sectionally, using members from a southern city carpenter union as the study population. Using purposive sampling, 500 questionnaires were administered to the selected members. Four hundred and fifty six questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed. Information collected in this questionnaire included safety and health education, workplace conditions, workplace injuries, and demographics. Data analysis used statistical software package SAS. The results showed that in the previous year, 43% of the union members were suffering from injuries that needed at least first aids treatment. Eleven percent of the injured members were hospitalized. Cut and abrasion were the most common injury types; wrench was the most important injury vector; and fingers were the most common injury parts of the body. For unsafety behavior, the majority of the union members were not accustomed to wear hearing protection in noise environment, and they would use ladders to walk. Regarding to education of safety and health, 43% of the members did not attend either the government or the union provided educational courses. The majority of those who did not attend the courses reported that they did not receive any information about the educational courses. Most members chose occupational safety and health regulations as the most needed topic in the future education. Safety and health education was significantly related to unsafety behavior but not workplace injuries. There was no interaction between risk-taking propensity was safety and health education. In multivariate analysis, risk-taking behavior, unsafety behavior, education and work characteristics were found to be important risk factors to workplace injuries; while safety and health education, risk-taking behavior, hours of sleep and gender were found to be important risk factors to unsafety behavior. Occupational injuries were common among members of carpenter union, yet the attendance of the educational courses was not ideal. In the future, action needs to be taken in risk factor control to reduce workplace injuries as well as in enforcement of union-based safety and health education.


Bushnell, D.S.(1990).“Input, Process, Output: A model for Evaluation Training,” Journal of Training & Development, Vol. 42 No. 3,41-43.
