  • 學位論文


A Study of R&D Cooperation center business model among Industries, and R&D Institutes:An Example of Southern Taiwan Innovation & Research Park

指導教授 : 曾信超
共同指導教授 : 王正華


早期在產、官、學、研各界的合作,創造了台灣的經濟奇蹟,但面臨國家近年來產業發展正值瓶頸、經濟長期陷入停滯的危機,如何厚植產業及國家競爭力,將是我國經濟成長與否的重要課題。史欽泰(民90)認為產研合作研發是相當重要的環結,過去研究機構在產研合作已有具體成效,為因應環境的變化,滿足產業之需求,產研合作的模式也逐漸多元化。本研究將先敘述台灣、美國、日本、德國產研發展脈絡,再以南台灣創新園區為例,分析產研合作共同研發的營運模式。 本文以工研院南台灣創新園區合作廠商為研究對象,探討產、研合作研發動機、財務系統、核心技術與營運模式之研究。研究期間為民國九十七年二月十五日至民國九十七年四月十五日止,有效樣本數為191份。本研究採用迴歸分析、徑向分析、結構方程模式分析,就取得資料加以分析檢定。歸納出幾點結論: 1. 產研合作動機對產研營運模式有正向的顯著影響關係。 2. 研發補助資源對產研營運模式有正向的顯著影響關係。 3. 經費來源對產研營運模式有正向的顯著影響關係。 4. 技術程度對產研營運模式有正向的顯著影響關係。 5. 研發補助資源對產研合作動機有正向的顯著影響關係。 6. 技術程度對產研合作動機有正向的顯著影響關係。


In the early time , cooperative-among the Industries, the official, University and R&D Institutes , has created Taiwan's economical miracle. Now, the country faced with the industrial development bottleneck, the economy for a long time fell into in recent years the crisis which stagnated. How to thick plants the industry and the country competitive ability, it will be economy grows the important topic in our country. Shi Qin T'ai though that R&D Cooperation among Industry and R&D Institutes is the quite important factor. For accordance to the environment change, meets need of the industrial, Industry-R&D Institutes Cooperative also gradually to multiply. This research first will narrate the development of Industry-R&D Institutes in Taiwan, American, Japanese, and Germany. Second, analysis R&D cooperation center business model among Industries, and R&D Institutes:an example of Southern Taiwan Innovation & Research Park. This text regards customer of the Southern Taiwan Innovation & Research Park as the research object, probe into the research that the Motivations, Resource of budget, level of technology in Industry-R&D Institutes cooperative. The period of questionnaire was from 2/15/2008 to 4/15/2008. It is 191 that the effective sample is counted. This research adopts Regression Analysis, Path Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling Analysis, obtain the materials to analysis and assay. Sum up some conclusions: 1. Motivations has significant positive effect on Business Model. 2. Resource of supply R&D has significant positive effect on Business Model. 3. Resource of budget has significant positive effect on Business Model. 4. Level of technology has significant positive effect on Business Model. 5. Resource of supply R&D has significant positive effect on Motivations. 6. Level of technology has significant positive effect on Motivations.


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