  • 學位論文


The impact of urban built environment and transportation behavior on energy consumption

指導教授 : 蘇振綱


摘要 能源使用趨勢明顯攀升導致全球面臨氣候變遷與溫室效應等問題,嚴重危及人類生存環境。國際能源總署在『2000年世界能源展望摘要版』(World Energy Outlook 2000 Highlights),估計二氧化碳排放到2020年仍然持續成長,廢氣排放量亦伴隨能源消費變化情形增長,引發各國制定因應溫室氣體(GreenHourse Gas,GHG)各項政策抑制排放。 基於此本研究將進行運輸能源消費影響關係探討。透過地理資訊系統協助建立台南都會區鄰里性家庭旅次行為與建成環境資料庫,並藉由結構方程模型分析鄰里建成環境與運輸模式影響運輸能源消費間路徑關係。最終解析不同建成環境產生之運輸模式能源消費影響程度,作為減少能源消費的運輸規劃策略建議之參考。 研究結果發現都市建成環境與運輸能源消費確實存在影響關係,此外非建成環境等家戶社經地位因子亦與運輸能源消費有關連性,而相對比較下都市建成環境影響程度遠大於家戶社經地位。且經模式確認兩者皆與運輸能源消費並無直接影響關係,皆藉由運輸環境特性因子產生間接影響,因此最終著重於此進行減緩能源消費之策略提出。


Abstact The significant upward trend in energy consumption has entangled the world into problems such as climate variation and greenhouse effects, and has endanger the environment in which human are living. The “World Energy Outlook 2000 Highlights” of International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated a continuous growth of carbon dioxide emission by 2020. The increase of gas emission with energy consumption has encouraged many countries to formulate various policies for inhibiting emission of Green House Gas (GHG). Therefore, this study aims to research on relation of transport energy consumption. A database for family behavior of neighborhood travel frequency and built environment in Tainan metropolitan is established by using geographic information system, and analyze the relationship between neighborhood built environment and the transport model which affects transport energy by adopting structural equation modeling. Finally the extent to which various built environments may affect energy consumption of transport mode is analyzed, which may be proposed as suggestion for transport planning strategy in order to reduce energy consumption. The result of this research showed that the relationship of mutual effect between the built environment of the city and its transport energy consumption. Furthermore, there is relevance between non-built environment and factors of household socio-economic status, where in comparison the former one is much more influent than the latter. Verified by the modeling, both do not have direct relationship with the transport energy consumption, as instead the transport environment characteristic factors influence it indirectly, from which conclusion the suggestion for reducing energy consumption is proposed.


