  • 學位論文


Study on the influence factors of household transportation energy consumption in urban areas

指導教授 : 葉佳宗


相關研究指出,都市型態也是影響運輸能源消耗的因素之一。運輸的節能對於全球碳排放量減緩相當重要,而減緩運輸方面的耗能與排放量,可以從都市規劃方面來著手。根據Newman和Kenworthy (1989, 1999)的研究,在密度和能源使用的關係上,以高密度型態都市的能源使用效率表現最佳,但不同國家、地區,此一概念是否皆適用?近期的文獻表明,都市內部型態的差異、大眾運輸發展的程度等,也能顯著影響能源使用。 因此,本研究將以台灣三大都會區內部行政區為研究對象,比較其都市型態與運輸能源消耗的差異。以都會區之行政區作為樣本,並利用多元迴歸分析,根據居住密度、公車站位密度將樣本作分類,找出影響運輸能源消耗的關鍵因素。本研究的主要目的為探討影響運輸能源消耗的關鍵因素,並檢視都會區內部行政區型態的差異,對於運輸能源使用之影響,觀察在不同的大眾運輸發展程度下,哪一類型較能顯著影響能源使用。 基於統計分析之結果,我們可以歸納出三大結論:第一,在大眾運輸發展較完善之地區,密度對於能源使用的影響較為顯著。第二,收入之影響程度,隨都會區內部大眾運輸發展差異而有所不同。第三,都會區內部型態的差異,導致能源使用的表現有所不同。最後,針對未來相關研究與都市規劃提出建議:大眾運輸的發展必須配合住宅用地集中安排,並朝向「分散化集中」的發展模式。


Numerous researchers have indicated that urban form is one of the factors affecting transport energy consumption. To mitigate the carbon emissions from urban transportation sector is very important. Urban planning and design are seen as the effective ways to mitigate energy consumption and emissions from the transportation. According to the studies of Newman and Kenworthy (1989, 1999) on the relationship between the density and energy used, the cities with high-density urban form have better performance on energy use efficiency. However, several researchers have pointed out that the relationship may be different in different countries, regions. Recent literature suggests that different of urban form in cities and public transit development can significantly affect urban energy consumption. This paper will discuss the district in metropolitan areas in Taiwan, comparing the difference between urban form and transportation energy consumption in the area. This study uses the district in metropolitan area as samples, and using multiple regression analysis.Based on residing density and bus stop density for samples classification to identify the key factors affecting the transport energy consumption. The main purpose of this study was to explore the key factors affecting the transport energy consumption, and examine differences of urban form in internal district in the metropolitan area affecting the transportation energy use, to observe which levels of development of public transportation can significantly impact the energy use. Based on the statistical analysis of the results, we can summarize as three major conclusions: First, the better of development of public transport in the region, the significant of density for the impact of energy use. Second, the impact of income with the public transport development is different between metropolitan areas.Third, the differences of urban form in internal administrative in the metropolitan area, resulting in the performance of energy use is different. Finally, we suggestions for research and urban planning in the future: The development of public transport must be arranged with the focus on residential zone, and toward "decentralization" model of development.


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