  • 學位論文


A Study of the Asymmetric Effects of Vertical Extension and Product Life Cycle on Brand Evaluation.

指導教授 : 鄭聖時


對於現今許多企業而言,透過品牌延伸發展新產品,已經成為企業常見且重要的品牌策略之一,企業利用既有品牌來發展新產品可以達到降低成本、快速建立知名度的好處。在「非對稱品牌垂直策略」研究,品牌延伸會受到低品質或高品質品牌名稱的影響,產生非對稱性的結果(Heath, DelVecchio, & McCarthy ,2011)。本研究屬於延伸文獻的驗證性質的研究,除了驗證品牌延伸具有非對稱性的效果,也加入產品生命週期的概念,端這兩個因素來探討是否會對品牌評價產生影響。 本研究實驗方法有二,實驗一(組間)以實際存在之「手機」、「相機」與「電視」做為受測產品採4品質(最低/次低/最高/次高)x4產品生命週期(導入/成長/成熟/衰退)的設計,來探討在品牌延伸與產品功能生命週期下,對品牌的評價有何影響。以410位台灣大學生與研究生為受測樣本;實驗二(組內)以手機為受測產品,以4產品生命週期(導入/成長/成熟/衰退)x2品質(最低/最高)的組內設計,以47位大學生為受測樣本,探討對品牌評價產生什麼影響。 實證結果發現,在有效地操弄非對稱的產品的品質與名稱之後,受訪者對於高品質與品名結合的品牌評價,顯著的大於低品質與品名結合的評價,品牌延伸對品牌評價有非對稱的影響;產品生命週期與非對稱性延伸同時存在的話,對品牌評價會產生影響。故業者在採用垂直品牌延伸等策略之際,最為要注意非對稱性延伸品牌評價的現象,且須慎選適當的品牌命名,讓消費者產生較高的品牌評價。


Nowadays, introducing new products to marketplace using brand extensions to satisfy consumers’ needs becomes one of the critical and essential brand strategies for firms. However, consumers may have different evalations towards vertical brand extensions. Heath, DelVecchio, & McCarthy (2011) demonstrated asymmetric effects exist when brands are extended to different levels of qualities. Based on the findings of the above research, the current study not only confirms similar asymmetric effects exist in high tech products, but also examines whether the effects of different stages of product life cycle (PLC) on brand evaluations exist. This study conducted two experiments. The first one was a 4 qualities (lowest /second low /second high /highest) x 4 PLC stages (introduction /growth /maturity /decline) between subjects design. In total 410 college studnets were chosen from three different universities as subjects to give their evaluations to 16 different treatments and three different product categoris, moble phones, cameras and televisions, respectively. The second experiment was a 2 qualities (lowest/highest) x 4 PLC states within subjects design. There were 47 college students randomly selected from an university in southern Taiwan. They were asked to give their evaluations to only one product category- moble phones. All brand names were virtual names and named by the researcher. Combinations of the findings from the two experiments reveal (1) asymmetric effects do exist when brand names were entended to high and low qualities in high tech product categories. Subjects gave higher brand evaluations to high quality-names and rated lower to low quality-names. (2), as expected, different stages of PLC have asymmetric effects on the evaluations of vertical brand extensions. Product life cycle may play an intervining role on brand evaluations. As a result, firms should be aware of the influences of brand extension strategies. Firms should choose brand names carefully during different stages of PLC, leading higher brand evaluations.


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