  • 學位論文


Moisture Absorption and Release Property Comparison of Different Clothes under Different Washing Conditions

指導教授 : 劉于詮


本研究針對不同衣料在不同洗滌條件下的吸濕排汗特性比較,實驗除了針對棉衫、排汗衫和經化學處理之吸濕排汗(化學排汗衫)進行吸濕排汗測試外,也針對排汗衫和化學排汗衫在不同洗滌條件下(未洗滌、洗滌過10次和洗滌過20次)的吸濕排汗特性進行比較。結果發現:1. 不同衣料會影響到其吸濕排汗特性;另外,不同衣料和衣料被洗滌次數對於衣料吸濕排汗特性也會產生交互作用的影響。2. 排汗衫的吸濕排汗特性表現最好;化學排汗衫在吸溼性表現較差,而排溼性表現較好。至於棉衫,則是吸溼性表現較好,排溼性表現較差。3. 隨著洗滌次數增加,排汗衫吸溼性雖略微下降;但因為在同ㄧ洗滌階段下排汗衫吸溼性優於化學排汗衫的結果,所以排汗衫的吸溼性比化學排汗衫來的好。4. 承上,在排溼性部分,排汗衫和化學排汗衫擴散面積表現和其吸溼性表現相類似。在乾燥時間測試結果表現部分,排汗衫與化學排汗衫隨著洗滌次數增加,其乾燥時間測試結果都會變差;但在同ㄧ種洗滌階段下,排汗衫乾燥時間測試結果還是優於化學排汗衫,因此排汗衫的排溼性表現也是優於化學排汗衫。


棉衫 排汗衫 吸溼性 排溼性


Abstract In this research, moisture absorption and release property (MARP) of different clothes under different washing conditions were aimed to compare. Unless focused on cotton shirt, wicking shirt and chemical wicking shirt (wicking shirt with chemical treatment), MARP tests were also focused on wicking shirt and chemical wicking shirt under different washing conditions (without washing, washing 10 times and washing 20 times) in study. Results showed: 1. Clothes’ MARP would be influenced by themselves. Moreover, clothes themselves and washing times of clothes would affect clothes’ MARP interactively. 2. Wicking shirt’s MARP was the best. Chemical wicking shirt performed poor in moisture absorption of MARP, but performed better in moisture release of MARP. Conversely, cotton shirt performed better in moisture absorption of MARP, but performed poor in moisture release of MARP. 3. Though wicking shirt’s moisture absorption of MARP would decrease slightly by the increasing of washing times, wicking shirt’s moisture absorption of MARP was still better than chemical wicking shirt’s due to wicking shirt’s moisture absorption of MARP was better than chemical wicking shirt’s under the same washing condition. 4. Continuing the foregoing, wicking shirt and chemical wicking shirt’s performances of diffusion area (belong the moisture release of MARP) were similar with their moisture absorption of MARP performances. In the performance of drying time (another part of moisture release of MARP), wicking shirt and chemical wicking shirt’s results were worse by the increasing of washing times. But under the same washing condition, wicking shirt’s drying time performance was still better than chemical wicking shirt’s. So the wicking shirt’s moisture release of MARP was better than chemical wicking shirt’s moisture release of MARP. Keywords: cotton shirt, wicking shirt, moisture absorption, moisture release




