  • 學位論文


Research on the impact of community facilitating strategy- A Case Study in Nantou County

指導教授 : 黃肇新


本研究從南投縣經驗探討當前社區發展工作中縣市政府層經如何透過輔導策略協助公所及社區建健全組織,發展符合社區需求之工作並在全國性評鑑中獲得優良成績。 研討採質性之深度訪談方法,立意選擇南投縣政府、歷年評鑑績優社區及相關公所為訪談對象。 本研究發現,縣政府因經費限制無法如其他縣市專案委託輔導團隊。縣政府從社區會務與財務基本功課到社區調查與計畫寫作等有一系列系統性之培力課程。縣政府並善用評鑑等方法使得公所配合縣府參與輔導工作。同時縣政府利用承辦全國性活動促進縣內社區間之互助合作,亦運用縣內較有經驗之績優社區協助新受評鑑社區。 本研究為個案性研究且以績優社區及其公所為訪談對象,對於一般或發展較低度之社區與公所之困境之探討或待未來更多的研究者提供多面向的研究成果相互切磋。


This study investigated the current community development work in county and city governments layer was how through counseling policy assistance hall and community was built a sound organizational from Nantou County experience. Development meets the community needs of the work and get good results in the national evaluation . The research is in-depth interviews method of qualitative. The purposive selection is Nantou County. It is the interviewees of calendar evaluation merit community and related hall. The study found,County government can not delegate projects to coaching because of financial constraints as other counties . County government has a series of systemic Empowerment of course from community meetings and financial of basic homework to community surveys and plans writing. County government use evaluation methods to make hall involved in counseling work. At the same time county government hosted national actions promoting assistance and cooperation between the county community. County government also use the merit County community of more experienced to assist the new evaluation Community. This study is case study to interviewee the merit community and their hall . Difficulties for general community or the low degree of Communityto pending or future researchers to provide more multi-faceted research mutual consultations.


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