  • 學位論文


A Spatial Analysis of the Impact of Rapid Transit Stations on Housing Prices—A Case Study of Kaohsiung Municipality

指導教授 : 謝博明


本研究主要目的為探討高雄都會區捷運站周邊住宅價格空間分布與變化。並比較不同程度發展的地區內至捷運站距離對住宅價格之影響程度與變化情形,最後進一步利用特徵價格模型估計不同都市發展的區內,捷運站對其周邊住宅價格之影響程度。本研究以內政部不動產e點通網站所下載的2008年至2010年高雄捷運路線所涵蓋行政區之透天住宅資料進行分析,運用都市發展的情形,將研究範圍分為核心區、市中心區以及市郊區進行探討。 研究結果顯示,住宅交易價格樣本之分布在各分區都存在顯著的空間相依性,及空間上亦有顯著的高低價位住宅聚集的現象。再者,由地區型空間自我相關得知,高價住宅主要分布於高雄都市中心周圍以及都市機能較好的數個捷運站周邊,而低價住宅則是聚集在較遠離都市中心以及都市機能較差的捷運站周邊,甚至於較偏遠的地方。再者,比較捷運站對周邊住宅價格影響之變化,由於各分區發展程度不同而有所差異,但價格並不會因為至捷運站距離較遠,價格也跟著降低,其高價住宅也並不全然分布於500公尺範圍內,但區位條件較好的捷運站周邊住宅單價確實略高於都市機能較不足的捷運站周邊住宅,可能是因為市民對於捷運系統尚未習慣,因此主要仍以自家交通工具為主。最後經由特徵價格模型可知,三個分區至捷運站距離越遠住宅價格越低,此情形在市中心區與市郊區較明顯,而在捷運站周圍500公尺內之住宅價格受捷運站的影響,以核心區最為明顯,另外兩區較不明顯,其原因可能是因為捷運系統對於不同區位的邊際可及性改善幅度不同所造成,另一原因可能是因為樣本數較少的關係,加上捷運剛開始營運不久便遇到2008至2009年當時景氣較差的情況,至2010年景氣才回升,且高雄目前僅有兩條捷運路線,未形成路網,使得高雄捷運影響較不顯著;另外,市中心區與市郊區捷運對住宅價格的影響範圍可能不僅限於500公尺內,應該再更往外擴大。 本研究之貢獻在於了解配合捷運系統開通後,其周邊住宅價格變動之趨勢與空間分布之變化,有助於未來能更精確評估捷運系統的影響效果與範圍,並可提供建商或民眾在進行不動產投資時的區位選擇參考。


This study analyzes the spatial allocation of housing prices adjacent to Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Stations (Metro Stations) and compares the difference among three urban development areas. This study also employs a hedonic model to estimate the effects of Rapid Transit Stations on housing prices. The data comes from housing transaction price database from 2008 to 2010. The results show that housing prices are significantly spatial correlated. Higher housing prices are concentrated around Metro stations in inner city areas while lower housing prices are concentrated around stations in outskirt areas. There is no significant difference among three urban development areas regarding the effect of Metro stations on adjacent housing prices. Higher housing prices are not significantly concentrated within 500 meters distance from Metro stations. However, average housing prices located around Metro stations in inner city areas with better accessibility conditions are significantly higher than those in outskirt areas. Furthermore, the results of hedonic price models show that in comparison of three different urban development areas, the distance to Metro stations has a significant impact on adjacent housing prices, particularly in inner city areas where these prices within 500 meters from stations are obviously higher than prices outside this distance boundary. This is probably because the network of Kaohsiung Metro is still under development. Currently there are only two routes, therefore many residents still ride their motorbike to work or to shop rather than to take the Metro. In addition, during the global financial crisis in 2008 and early 2009, housing prices in outskirt areas with less accessibility are significantly declined no matter how it is near Metro stations. The contribution of this study is to figure out the changes in the spatial allocation of housing prices adjacent to Kaohsiung Metro Stations and to compare their differences among three urban development areas. The results would be useful to guide to homebuyers as well as real estate developers in their investment decision making.


