  • 學位論文


A System Dynamics View of Supply Chain Management Strategies for Innovative Products-A Case Study on a Digital Camera Manufacturing Company

指導教授 : 林福仁


現今的企業面臨越來越激烈的競爭環境以及多變的需求,因而使得供應鏈管理變成一個重要的議題。根據文獻指出,成功的供應鏈策略必須考量其產品特性,因此本篇研究即是針對創新性產品的供應鏈策略進行討論。 首先,本研究以相關文獻為基礎,提出一個供應鏈管理架構,此架構下包含了新產品研發、生產、及零售三個子系統,透過系統動力學的建模方法以及與個案公司的訪談下,建立起一個完整的系統動力學模型,並根據此模型進行模擬與分析。 本研究發現,提供給零售商之毛利以及零售商的特性,對於創新性產品之獲利具有顯著性的影響。另外,當公司面臨經營困境與需求衰退時,能夠快速反映市場變化的資訊系統將扮演起關鍵的角色。最後,本研究亦發現,提供給零售商之毛利與產品之吸引力間,並無明顯的交互作用影響,而當提供給零售商的毛利較低時,產品品質則是另外一個吸引零售商的關鍵。 本研究的主要貢獻,在於幫助管理者更加的瞭解到,有哪些因素會影響到創新性產品的供應鏈策略考量,以利管理者在決策上有所依據。


This study investigates the supply chain management strategies for innovative products. The dynamic system of a supply chain consists of three subsystems: new product development, production, and retailing. We model and analyze supply chain strategies and policy combinations for innovative products of a case company using system dynamic model in this study. According to the outcomes of simulations and statistical analysis, we found that two variables, margin offered to retailers and retailers’ aggressiveness, have significant impacts on the total net profit. We further discover that the total net profit is always the largest when the margin offered to retailers equals 0.4. In terms of information delay, this study identified that the information system plays a more important role in a tough business environment than in a blooming one. This study also identifies that there is no significant interactive effects between the margin offered and the attractiveness of products. In addition, when the margin offered equals 0.2, longer QC cycle time will bring more total net profit than those scenarios with shorter QC cycle time. This study highlights the importance of the support of the system dynamic model on managerial strategic decision-making. We expect the simulation results will improve our understandings of factors that are crucial to supply chain management strategies for innovative products.


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