  • 學位論文


Managing Silicon Intellectual Property in a Taiwan IC Design House

指導教授 : 林博文


在製造業逐漸式微,服務業逐漸崛起的知識經濟時代,專利的申請、建立、應用與管理無異是企業保有競爭力與利潤的不二法門。專利不僅可形成業者保護自己不受競爭者控訴的金鐘罩,更可透過專利授權為業者創造額外收益;再者,業者亦可透過外購之專利提高其設計效率,縮短產品上市時間進而取得客戶之滿意並可降低產品研發失敗之風險。這些在在都是專利與矽智財產業重要課題,也是台灣進入WTO後的必修課程,更是台商或可藉矽智財再度區隔大陸市場的必經路程。 Silicon Intellectual Property(SIP)平台的建立是IC Design House突破困境的契機,欲達上述時效、成本、風險之控管,SIP平台更是協同合作與促進產業發展的催化劑,透過第三方公司的協助鑑價,則是減少SIP交易糾紛的方法,但面對訴訟糾紛時,第三方公司亦可提供法律諮詢,亦即所謂的「Law is always behind technologies」。當然,事前一分準備可減少事後三分的防範及,針對IP Providers的品質、一致性、週邊與支援及時效性等標準來界定評選SIP,雖不中亦不遠矣。 國內對SIP之管理與應用雖漸有起色,但SIP之評價機制則尚待建立,或許這也是另一種商機,尤其是第35號及第7號會計公報實施後,財報中的SIP更是會計師、估價師之重點所在。 H公司是一個成長中的IC Design House,藉著這篇論文喚起所有同仁對SIP的重視進而演譯成管理利得,並與設計工程師界定SIP之所有權避免糾紛之發生,是這篇論文的最大收穫。當然亦衍生出另外一話題,如何找到並執行SIP之最佳組合實乃大家之目標,這也是大家感興趣的地方。SIP的Qualification雖有一定的流程,但執行起來仍有相當之困擾,就如同IC製造有一定的流程一樣,但各家Foundry的良率(Yield)卻不一,真的是「戲法人人會變,巧妙各有不同」。 Everything is differentiable,透過SIP的應用管理進而產出不一樣的產品已是IC設計公司生存鐵律。SoC(System on Chip)仍是目前主流趨勢,SaC(System above Chip)則是最後戰場;從成本觀點而言,SaC不僅可幫忙產品的輕、薄、短、小,SaC亦將是未來趨勢,從SoC到SaC是產品的趨勢,代表著SIP等於獲利,也可讓台灣漸漸從知識輸入國變成知識輸出國。


In the era of a knowledge-based economy, service industry is gradually rising but manufacturing industry is slowly declining. The application, establishment, and management of Intellectual Property will be the way for an enterprise to keep the competitiveness with others and at the same time make profit. Intellectual Property not only can protect you from being sued by the competitors, but also produce extra profits through an authorized monopoly. Moreover, corporate could purchase Intellectual Property from others to increase the efficiency of research and design, which may shorten the time for a product to enter the market while increasing customers’ satisfaction, and also reducing the risk of design failure. Patents and Silicon Intellectual Property (SIP) are regarded as the most significant for the topics that were mentioned above. In addition, the topics must be known of Taiwan after being part of WTO. Indeed, SIP will also be another way to create market segmentation in Great China market. The development of SIP platform is a chance to break through the difficulties of IC design. In order to reach the targets mentioned above, risk and cost management will be the solution for the competitors to collaborate as well as advancing industry development. Through the assistance of third parties, it decreases entanglements of SIP exchange. Third party can also be a consultant in terms of a law suite because the law is always behind technologies. However, preparing ahead can lower the chances of being in the dispute. Although, the application and management of SIP is gradually improving domestically, the evaluation system is still in its stage of developing. Perhaps, this can be developed as another business opportunity especially after the general accepting accounting principles of No. 35 and No. 7 that were coming into effect. A certified public accountant (CPA) and appraiser should emphasize more on SIP in their financial statement. H Company is a growing IC Design House. This article intends to draw employee’s attention on SIP management and make SIP as a way of profit. Also, the greatest emphasis on this article is to work closely with design engineer to define the ownership of SIP. One of another interesting topic would be how to execute SIP management. Though SIP qualification it has certain processes, but there are still some difficulties when working on qualification. Just like IC manufacturing, there are certain processes, but yield is different at different foundry. Everything is differentiable. Executing SIP management and creating different products is a way for IC design house to survive in this competitive world. SoC (System on Chip) is the mainstream and SaC (System above Chip) would be their last battlefield. SaC would make the products have smaller and lower power consumption. SIP will also mean making profits. This will change Taiwan from a knowledge importer into knowledge exporter.


Lev, B. 2001. Intangibles Management, Measurement, and Reporting. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press
Kimberly Chen Nobles, Securing and Maximizing your IP rights in a Global Marketplace.


