  • 學位論文

Synthesis and Characterization of Well-Aligned P-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanowires


指導教授 : 周立人


In this thesis, phosphorus-doped ZnO nanowires were grown on silicon substrate using chemical vapor transport and condensation process using zinc phosphide (Zn3P2) as the dopant source. Besides, single-crystal P-doped ZnO nanowires have their growth axis along with the <001> direction and form well-aligned arrays on Si substrate. Optimum process parameters of fabricating P-doped ZnO nanowires were proposed including growth temperature, weight of ZnO/C source, and growth time duration. Characterization and analysis of P-doped ZnO nanowires were discussed with many analytic techniques. EDX spectrum shows that the P atom ratio in the ZnO nanowire is approximately 0.8%. XPS spectrum shows that the peak related to the P (2p) is observed located at 133.3 eV, which could be regarded as P-O bonding state. PL spectra indicate the existence of PZn-2VZn complex defect in the P-doped ZnO nanowires, which is suggested to be the acceptor responsible for the p-type conduction. Furthermore, Single-NW-based field-effect transistors were used to study the electrical transport properties of nanowires.


氧化鋅 磷摻雜 p-型




ZnO P-doped p-type


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