  • 學位論文


Flip the Possibility of Leisure: On the Effect of the Sociability of Leisure on Innovation

指導教授 : 吳泉源


本研究以ICT產業人員為研究對象,從中探討休閒社會性對工作創新的影響。台灣高科技產業自1980年代以來,成功帶動國內產業的經濟發展,並提升產業的競爭優勢。其中ICT產業是台灣高科技產業中的重點產業,其產品如半導體、光電、資訊、通訊等在全球市占率超過一半以上。然而,近幾年隨著國外各品牌大廠崛起,爭相壓低商品的價格後,開始出現薄利化的現象,使台灣的代工優勢消失,導致產業面臨邊緣化的困境。為了改變這樣的局勢,產業勢必要有所創新。所以創新對產業而言,不僅能維持產業綿延不絕的發展動力,更有助於提升產業的競爭力。因此,本研究將從「休閒」的向度切入,探討休閒對於創新的貢獻以及可能的意涵,試圖為此產業的創新尋求不同的出路。 本研究認為休閒的核心價值在於「休閒社會性」,社會性除了增強對於社群的認同、整合個人與社會,讓人對自己所從事的休閒更加滿意外,更可能伴隨著創意靈感與意想不到的表現。而創新的內涵在於「詮釋性對話」,透過來自於不同背景和觀點的人之間的互動,尋找彼此共同的詞彙和共識,進而產生新的發現和見解。兩者皆是透過「互動」導引出創新的思維,因而本研究從休閒社會性的層面,分析是否能為ICT產業人員帶來工作創新。 本研究為挖掘ICT產業人員的休閒社會性和創新的詮釋性內涵,並連結至其工作狀態,須與受訪者長時間的接觸與談話,因此採用深度訪談法。本研究藉由訪談得知,從事休閒活動時,若與休閒成員對話交流,或與不同專業背景者接觸較能促進工作創新。而休閒社會性與工作創新可透過「詮釋性對話」和「資訊刺激」來連結。亦即,「休閒社會性」可以獲取各個不同領域的資訊,透過對話交流、產生共識後,有助於創新的生成。


This study explores the effect of leisure on work and innovation, focusing on employees of the ICT industry in Taiwan. Since the 1980s, Taiwan’s high-tech industry, especially the ICT industry, has boosted economic growth and enhanced the industrial competitiveness. Its products have grabbed over half the global market share in semiconductor, optoelectronics, information and communication, to name just a few. However, the ICT industry has faced the threat of being marginalized over the past few years, after the rise of giant foreign firms which cut prices for competition. In order to change this situation, the industry is bound to be innovative. Innovation can not only maintain sustainable development, but also enhance competitiveness. This study aims to explore the contributions to innovation vis-a-vis leisure with its various connotations. The study suggests that the prime value of leisure lies on its “sociability”, which can enhance community identity, integrate individual and society, and increase satisfaction. In addition, it also brings creative inspiration and unexpected performance. Following the existing literature, we also confirm that the value of innovation comes from “interpretive conversation”, which brings new discoveries and insights through interactions among people from different backgrounds and perspectives. Consequently, innovation originate both from “sociability in leisure” and “interpretive conversation.” The study will show whether the leisure sociability can bring work innovation for employees of the ICT industry. The study applies in-depth interview to show that if actors interact with leisure members, or contact with members from different backgrounds, while engaging in leisure activities, are more prone to work innovation. Furthermore, “interpretive conversation” and “information stimulus” can link sociability and work innovation. In other words, “sociability” can gather information from different fields through interaction to enhance innovation.


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