  • 學位論文


A Study On Strategy Of Taiwan Golf Country Clubs Management

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


高爾夫球運動是一項即為心理、社會、個性、體能、自我挑戰的運動,其最大的特色是內在的心理感受與外在的社會性互動思維,而產生一種特有之媚力, 吸引成千上萬之嗜好者,熱烈參輿此項既健康且又結合自然風光之球類活動。 最近二十多年來,我國由于經濟的發展,科技的進步,社會開放,運動健身,生活品位等等多元化的社會需求,促使高爾夫球休閒運動風氣大為風行,成為一項重要社交休憩活動之一。再加上週休二日的全面實施,各項休閒運動蓬勃發展,其中尤以高爾夫球運動人口與球場開發建設等成長最為驚人快速。在台灣,高爾夫球運動及其相關產業之產值、投資、市場需求不斷擴大,尤其是エ商企業界及觀光休閒業者之大力支援贊助各種高爾夫球兢賽活動的獎金及經費,更是促成並發展高球運動風氣之最大原動力。新聞平面媒體,各種運動休閒雜誌及電子媒體的大量報及轉播PGA及LPGA 或世界各地之高水準高爾夫球運動比賽之精彩實况,觀賞高球選手的精湛球技與優美姿勢,更是引人入勝。 再加上世界高球球壇第一名人 老虎伍兹,微笑球王 費爾米克森, 斐濟國寶選手 維傑辛,瑞典高球美女選手 阿妮塔索勒斯姮等當今世界高球球壇之美妙球技風釆,形成了一股世界高球熱的旋風。尤有甚者,高爾夫球運動在現今世人心目中,除了是一項高雅的休閒運動外,更已被普遍認定是一個國家的生活素質及國家經濟力之具体展示,也是國民生活品質評估指標的一種。由于高爾夫球運動市場如此的龐大,帶動之其他相關產業產值更是可觀, 值得吾等予以研究探討,以營造更加完善之經營環境與方針,為全民休閒運動提供適當之場地。本研究宗旨在於探討國內高爾夫球場經營策略方針,經營服務品質,及其滿足市場需求,予以了解探就其相互間之經營之差異,以期使在兢爭激烈之高爾夫球場同業中,能探討出主要成功因子,提供業者為其管理及經管策略之參考運用。同時本研究結果,也可提供高爾夫球愛好者及投資者作為投資選擇優良高爾夫球球場會員證之參考。一座多功能,管理完善優良的高爾夫球場場地,其不但能發揮及提昇國人之精神修養和培養健康之體魄,更能促進國際觀光旅遊,休閒運動,度假之多功能、多元化產業的發展,創造另一個商機無限又健康之綠色產業。因而政府相關部門單位也可以參考,思考國人對高爾夫球休閒運動需求,制定長遠政策,以期發揮國家土地資源之合理利用,創造更大的經濟價值。本研究方式採高爾夫球管理業者及球友訪談之研究方式進行,參酌相關研究之文献報告結論等,針對北台灣各縣市地區之數家高爾夫球球場經營管理者及球友進行訪談;運用馬斯諾需求理論,個案訪談資料分析結果,以得知各球場經營管者之經營方式及管理策略,並將結果以予分析,統計,描述、討論及歸納出結論。 本研究分析得知,高爾夫球場的二大重要收入,經常性擊球消費收入及會員證銷售收入,重視會員權益及高服務品質之球場,會員證價格極高,而果嶺費相對于無持有會員證者之收費,其差價極大。本研究結論得知,只有確實訓練、宣導球場的所有服務人員及桿娣並徹底執行球場的共同理念,以提供客人至上的專業、親切、細膩、週到服務的管理制度,才是致勝的根本關鍵;唯有用人,才能執行良方政策與方針,才是球場健康活絡的靈魂及血液根本,因而其宏偉的骨幹、硬體建設投資,才能發揮更加彰顯其功能、效率及價值。 關鍵字: 台灣高爾夫球場經營管理策略; 台灣高爾夫球場經營管理關鍵因子; 馬斯諾需求理論。


The development of Taiwan economics in recent decade , which has brought the country progress in various sporting activities , especially in the golfing sectors. The golfing population and investment are grown drastically and become one of the top ranking among all of the sport categories in the island. This research aiming at the discussing on the golf country clubs with its different business strategy, management practice, software and hardware constructions , as a business , how these management strategy to adapt the golfing marketing, customers requirement and/or expect, It is worth to study and conclude how have their value been built and their way of success in the highly competitive golf country clubs business fields. The conclusion wants to help the golf course management to provide the suitable recreational services for the right native recreational demand, moreover to extend the creational service functions of the golf course concretely. It as well will allow the government related offices to evaluate, develop and set up the suitable rules, regulations and strategy for the golf management criteria, it is highly demand for the golfing people requested, and to solve the unbalanced management problem of the current golf clubs. Visiting discussion survey and questionnaire survey were used as major methods in this research. The valid samples were obtained by randomly stratifies sampling golf courses with high, medium and low grade in northern Taiwan. Data were analyzed by Maslow demand theory; the analysis shows that the golf courses finance income structure is from basically classified in three categories, the clubs memberships, the clubs investors and golfing players, this is the golf clubs operation running coverage principal, as like a humans body and blood. The purpose of join the course is mainly for finance gain, social activities and relax. Their mostly concern are invest safety, social relation and high grade of respect and services. The golf courses value will be influenced by the varieties of the course provided from its clubs hardware construction, software management implementation and especially the highly sensible of Hon able and grand services. As a result, the golf course except their grand hardware constructions , facilities and the creational management, it is absolutely essential to provide their key supporters, membership owners, investors and guest players with very honorable services to gain the business success and win the competition among the golf courses.




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