  • 學位論文


Preparation of Silica Modified Carbon Nanotube and Their Application in the Field Emission Display

指導教授 : 薛敬和 朱一民


本研究藉由一系列矽烷化合物(Silane) 經溶膠-凝膠反應對硝酸/硫酸處理過之奈米碳管進行表面改質,以提升其在溶劑中的分散穩定性,並利用紅外線光譜與拉曼光譜對矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管進行結構鑑定。另外,利用電子顯微鏡、穿透式電子顯微鏡、比表面積分析儀、表面電位分析儀與穿透度量測對矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管進行分散穩定性分析,經上述分析結果顯示,帶有辛基的矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管在不同極性之溶劑中皆具有最佳分散穩定性。 因此,將辛基矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管與聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯依不同比例製備成網印材料,並利用微差掃描卡計與熱重損失分析儀分析其熱性質,結果顯示,當辛基矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管在聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯中的含量增加時,複合材料的熱穩定性也隨著提高。另外,亦以動態機械分析儀量測複合材料的機械性質,結果顯示,複合材料的抗拉強度也隨著辛基矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管在聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯中含量的增加而提高。以電子顯微鏡與原子力顯微鏡分析複合材料網印後的表面形態與分散性,結果顯示,3 wt%辛基矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管在聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯中具有最佳的分散效果,在將其製做成二極結構奈米碳管場發射顯示器,利用超高真空陣列測試器進行場發射特性分析時發現,添加3 wt%辛基矽烷化合物改質之奈米碳管於聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯中具有較佳的發光均勻性及較低的驅動電場1.9 V/μm,且在固定電場下,具有較大的電流值。 最後為了改善三極結構奈米碳管場發射陰極板製作精度,本研究利用水平旋轉噴灑蝕刻機制,讓蝕刻液經由噴嘴由下往上噴灑,提高蝕刻速率,減少殘留,使蝕刻孔洞的形狀接近於非等向性蝕刻。製程參數最佳化實驗中得到,當顯影液濃度為 2.2 wt%,噴壓1034 Pa時可以得到最大的蝕刻因子為0.7737,蝕刻圖形的均勻性為94 %。在三極結構中,控制陽極電壓為1500 V,閘極電壓為100 V,可得到電流強度為10 mA,發光均勻度為83.85 %。


In this study, we modified the acid treated carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by a series of silane compounds via sol-gel process to improve the CNTs’ dispersion stability in solvents. The silane modified CNTs were identified by Infrared and Raman spectra. In addition, the dispersion stability of silane modified CNTs were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), BET (specific surface area analyzer), zeta potentiometer and UV-vis spectrophotometer. The results shown that silane with n-octyl group (OTES) modified CNTs (OTES-HCNTs) possess the best dispersion stability in different polarity solvents. Therefore, we prepare the screen-printed composites by blending different OTES-HCNTs contents in Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA) to analyze thermal properties of the composites. The thermal stability of OTES-HCNTs composites was improved with increasing the content of OTES-HCNTs. From the dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA) analysis, the tensile strength of composites raises with increasing the OTES-HCNTs’ contents in PMMA. The surface morphology and dispersion stability of CNTs in composites are analyzed by SEM and atomic force microscopy (AFM); the results show that PMMA with 3 wt% OTES-HCNTs possess the best dispersion uniformity. The field emission properties were investigated by ultra-high vacuum array tester, which show that adding 3 wt% OTES-HCNTs in PMMA with better light uniformity, low drive electric field of 1.9 V/μm, and larger current under fixed electric field. Finally, to improve the fabricated precision of triode structure CNTs field emission display, we design the horizontal rotating spray etching mechanism, which the etchant were sprayed through the nozzle from the bottom-up to improve the etching rate. The shape of the etching holes close to anisotropic etching. Form the experimental results, the optimal process parameters were obtained as the etchant concentration of 2.2 wt%, the injection pressure of 1034 Pa. The etching factor of 0.7737 and etching patterns uniformity of 94% could be achieved under the above parameters. In the triode structure CNTs field emission display, the current intensity of 10 mA and emission uniformity of 83.85% could be received as the anode voltage of 1500 V and the gate voltage of 100 V.


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