  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Administrative Remedy for University Students Between Cross Strait

指導教授 : 翁曉玲


摘要 高校學生行政救濟制度係現代教育行政法中一大重要的議題。高校與學生之間的關係如何,權利遭侵犯時可採取何種行政救濟途徑,其中各救濟途徑又有何相關規定與要求,這些問題似乎已成為法治社會下亟待解決的問題。 隨著近年來學生權利意識的不斷覺醒,不論從理論上,立法中亦或司法實務中,兩岸都發生了頗大的變化。從理論方面而言,高校與學生之間的關係從傳統的特別權力關係說發展到特別法律關係說,再到晚近的契約關係說,可謂係不斷強調學生之權利,而弱化學校作為特別權力方之角色。在立法方面,法律與理論發展方向幾乎一致,在保障學生權利的基礎上,逐漸從實體層面與程序層面規範高校學生權利行政救濟制度,其中包括申訴、訴願與行政訴訟這三種救濟途徑。而法律規定的完善與司法實務的進步互相影響,法律完善為司法實務敞開救濟大門,而司法實務的經驗又促進立法的自我糾正。 雖然兩岸發展趨勢一致,惟在制度上仍存在不足之處,尤其體現為大陸的法律規定與司法實務間存在較大落差這一問題,其反映出大陸仍未將校生關係從傳統的特別權力關係中解構出來。故本文將主要採用比較法與實證分析法,分別從法律與實務層面比較兩岸高校學生權利救濟進,檢討現行制度與實務操作之不足,在此基礎上提出相應的建議。 關鍵字:兩岸、學生權利、行政救濟、比較研究、實證分析


Abstract The administrative remedy system for students of Higher education institution is an important issue in modern educational administrative law. How the relationship between institution and students is,which remedy or the related provisions could be adopted when students’ right have been infringed.All these are the urgent problem to be solved. With upsurge of right consciousness, more and more students pay much attention to the personal right. At the same time, the theories,regulations and judicial practice between cross strait had changed a lot, and will keep changing on.The theories goes through from special power relations,special law relations to contract relations.It is a process of strengthening the protection power on students’ rights,which their relation changes from inequality to equality gradually.The direction of legislation almost is corresponds with theories. The  regulation of remedy system has been improved from substantive and procedural respects,which is based on the principle of protecting students’ right. Specifically,the remedy system includes appeal,administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation.In addition,legislative and practice influence each other. Improving Legislation  will open the door of administrative litigation,and judicial practice from litigation can also accumulate experience,which will promote legislative and correct itself. Although the development direction of cross strait is resemble,the system still has deficiency,especially reflecting on the gap between regulation and practice in Mainland.Maybe it proves that China Mainland has not got free from the theory of special power relations.This paper is to compare the regulation and practice of both sides through comparative approach and empirical analysis. On the basis of comparison, the writer will put forward the feasible suggestions and steps. Key words:Right of students,Cross strait,administrative remedy,comparative study,empirical analysis.




董保城、謝碩駿,國家考試之「試卷」禁止閱覽與「評閱標準」及「參考答案」禁止公開?-評臺北高等行政法院 100 年度訴字第 848 號判決,法令月刊,第63卷9期,2012年9月,14-34頁。
