  • 學位論文

「為什麼問問題?」― 大學生課堂發問行為相關因素之分析

Why Asking Questions?The Analysis of Factors Related to Student Questioning in College Classrooms

指導教授 : 陳素燕


本研究試圖探討課堂情境因素、成就目標、面子概念、學生的發問態度、發問行為等五個變項之間的關係,以瞭解影響大學生課堂發問行為的相關因素與歷程。本研究的目的有以下四點:(一)探討學生的發問態度與發問行為的關係;(二)研究課堂情境因素與學生發問態度和發問行為之間的關係;(三)分析學生的成就目標取向與學生發問態度和發問行為之間的關係;(四)討論面子概念與學生發問態度和發問行為之間的關係。 本研究以清華大學二至五年級的大學生為取樣對象,蒐集共488份有效問卷,研究工具包括「課堂情境量表」、「成就目標量表」、「面子量表」、「發問態度量表」、「發問行為量表」。本研究主要以結構方程模型來考驗各項假設。 本研究的發現如下: 一、 發問態度能夠顯著地預測學生的課堂發問行為。成本信念會抑制學生的發問行為,發問的益處則可以正向影響學生的發問行為。 二、 課堂情境因素能夠預測學生的發問行為:老師的支持與回饋可以透由成本信念和發問的益處間接正向預測學生的發問行為,而友善的課堂氛圍則可以直接正向預測學生的發問行為。 三、 部分成就目標能夠預測學生的發問行為:趨向精熟可以透由成本信念和發問的益處間接正向預測學生的發問行為,也可以直接正向預測學生的發問行為;逃避精熟和趨向表現目標能夠透由成本信念負向預測學生的發問行為;逃避表現則無法直接或間接地預測學生的發問行為。 四、 面子傾向能夠預測學生的發問行為:爭取面子能夠直接預測學生的發問行為,也能夠透由抑制成本信念間接正向預測學生的發問行為;保護面子能夠透由成本信念負向預測學生的發問行為。 另外,本研究以上述研究結果提出建議,以提供教學現場與未來研究之參考。


The present study intended to investigate the relations between classroom context factors, students’ achievements goals, students’ face orientations, students’ attitudes toward question-asking, and student questioning in classrooms. The purposes of this study were: (a) to examine the relations between students’ attitudes toward question-asking and students’ question-asking in classrooms; (b) to understand the relations between classroom context factors, students’ attitude toward question-asking, and students’ question-asking in classrooms; (c) to analyze the relations between students’ achievements goal orientations, students’ attitudes toward question-asking and students’ question-asking in classrooms; (d) to explore the relations between students’ face orientations, student’s attitude toward question-asking and students’ question-asking in classrooms. The participants were 488 undergraduate students from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. The instruments used in the study included Classroom Context Scale, Achievement Goal Orientation Scale, Face Orientation Scale, Attitudes toward Question-asking Scale, and Student Questioning Scale. Structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to test the relation between variables and hypotheses in the study. The results of this study were summarized as follows: First, students’ attitudes toward questioning could predict students’ question-asking in classrooms. Students’ cost belief could negatively predict students’ question-asking in classrooms, while students’ benefit belief could positively predict students’ question-asking in classrooms. Secondly, classroom context factors could predict students’ question-asking in classroom. Perception of teacher support and reaction could positively predict students’ question-asking through both cost belief and benefit belief. Furthermore, classroom climate had a positive and direct effect on student questioning. Thirdly, individual achievement goal orientations could predict students’ question-asking in classrooms. Approach-mastery goal had both a direct and indirect on student questioning, and the influences were both positive. Approach-performance goal and Avoidance-mastery goal had an indirect and negative effect on student questioning through cost belief. However, Avoidance-performance goal was found no significant effects on both student’s attitude toward question-asking and students’ question-asking in classrooms. Finally, students’ face orientations could predict student questioning. Acquisitive face orientation could positively predict student questioning, while protective face orientation had an indirect and negative effect on student questioning in classrooms. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions were given for both researches and educational guidance in future studies.


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