  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉增貴 朱曉海


本論文以先秦災、異觀切入,討論重點除了禳祭禮俗外,一些人為措施及相關的救治禮儀亦是本文所討論的範圍。討論時代以先秦至漢初為主,並針對此時期之自然性災害、荒政措施、厲疫、個人疾病及星變現象等課題進行探究。   第一章釋題及回顧既有的相關研究成果。同時對《公羊傳》之災、異區分進行分析,最後全面探討先秦至漢初災、異性質及災害發生週期。   第二章著眼於自然災害之禳災禮俗及救治措施,包括了水患之祭禱及治理方式;旱災中以人牲為祭的禮俗意義;先秦禳蝗禮俗及相關措施;火災之禳災禮俗及因應措施。   第三章首先對古代凶荒之界定及成因作一個探究。其次是探究先秦至漢初的「荒政」措施及如何具體實踐。   第四章首先探究先秦時代致人疾疫之厲鬼性質,同時也對出土文獻中的幾則厲鬼材料進行檢討。其次是探討厲鬼的危害情況,最後,本章將對傳統儺儀儀式及當中的幾項禮俗進行探究。   第五章首先對疾病之巫術禳解禮俗及攻解術作一個探究。其次,本章打算就先秦時代醫者之發展、療方及技術面以探究當時的醫者之術。最後是探討古代一種以命名避疾之信仰禮俗。 第六章首先是日食問題,其次是彗星現象,接著是歲星問題,前三者皆就星變問題及古人的因應方式進行深究。第四部分,本章將探究「白虹」及「白虹貫日」之象徵義,並討論何以燕太子丹看到此情景而「畏之」的問題,最後是討論古人修德禳災的實際作為。 第七章總結全文。


災異 禳災 救治 禮俗


This study is aimed at exploring the rituals of worship and the measures and etiquette of disaster prevention based on the pre-Qin ideology of catastrophe. It explores natural disasters, practices of disaster relief, plague, personal diseases, and astronomical phenomena occurring in the pre-Qin and early Han dynasties.   The first chapter concerns the literature review. This study analyzes GongyangZhuanin order to distinguish disasters from strange signs, discussing the nature and cycle of disasters occurring in the pre-Qin and early Han dynasties.   The second chapter regards the rituals of worship and the practices of natural disaster prevention such as the rites held in order to calm floods and human and animal sacrifice offered during droughts. In addition, this study explains the rituals and countermeasures adopted to relieve locust plagues and fires in the pre-Qin dynasties.   The third chapter is the definition and causes of ancient disasters. This study then explores how the governments in pre-Qin and the early Han dynasties implement their countermeasures of disaster prevention.   The fourth chapter concerns the nature and literature review of pre-Qin plagues to discuss the damages they cause. This study then explains the rites of traditional mask dance to exorcise evil spirits and plagues.   The fifth chapter regards the rituals of sorcery and witchcraft to relieve diseases. This study is aimed at comprehending the treatment of ancient physicians and the development of medical treatment in the pre-Qin dynasties. In addition, this study discusses how the naming system of ancient people helps them to avoid disease.   The sixth chapter explores the issues and phenomena of solar eclipse, comet, and Jupiter. In addition, it discusses the symbolic meanings of sun crosses, explains the ancient people’s practices of cultivating a good character and preventing disasters.   The seventh chapter is the conclusion.




2012 〈「祝由」釋義:以《黃帝內經.素問》為核心文本的討論〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》83.4,頁671-737。
2005.12 〈先秦至漢代禮俗中有關厲鬼的觀念及其因應之道〉,《成大中文學報》(第十三期)(2005.12),頁59-94。
2008.3 〈飲食禮儀的身心過渡意涵及文化象徵意義-以三《禮》齋戒、祭祖為核心進行探討〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》(第三十二期),2008.3,頁171-216。
