  • 學位論文


A Study of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevention in Industrialized Countries

指導教授 : 游志雲


因工作引起的職業性肌肉骨骼傷害(Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders)是工業化國家最嚴重的職業傷病種類。因此為了消除或降低肌肉骨骼傷害,各先進工業國皆戮力推行肌肉骨骼傷害的政策,成立肌肉骨骼傷害防制體系,推行各式各樣的防制工作。本研究透過分析與比較先進國家,美國、英國、澳洲、以及我國的肌肉骨骼傷害防制體系與做法,進而對我國提出可行的學習方向與改善建議。   本研究透過既有相關研究文獻、各國防制單位的官方網站、相關刊物以及其他網路資料,將各國體系分成四大執掌單位,對各執掌單位的防制工作進行分析、比較,探討各國的優缺點做為我國的借鏡。   研究的結果顯示,各國的防制體制大體上是結合政府單位、公家或民間的研究機構,與民間的協會、社團、公司、或醫療院所的執行單位所形成的三角架構,在其上加設一個諮詢委員會。防制工作包含檢查、標準與指引、技術資料、教育與推廣等等。根據研究結果對我國提出的改善建議如下:由勞工安全衛生處與或勞工檢查處為推動肌肉骨骼傷害的防制的主管機關,執掌訂定肌肉骨骼傷害防制檢查標準與人因工程指引,並將肌肉骨骼傷害風險檢查列入安全衛生檢查項目中強制執行。勞工安全衛生研究所為研究的主導機構,並在相關大學設立研究中心、補助相關專業學會成立標準審查諮詢委員會,與勞工保險局合作成立職業流行病監控團隊等,負責檢查、標準與指引、技術資料等研究事項。由主管機關協調相關組織籌組「肌肉骨骼傷害防制」種子教師人才庫,協助落實傷害的防制的教育宣導與現場改善輔導,並與同業公會協辦肌肉骨骼傷害防制活動,使肌肉骨骼傷害防制有效落實於台灣所有的事業單位。


Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD) is the most serious problem of occupational disease in industrialized countries. In order to eliminate or lessen the WMSD threat, all the developed countries tried their best to enforce WMSD preventive policies, established a WMSD prevention system to execute WMSD preventive works. This research is a study of the WMSD prevention system in Taiwan and three developed countries: USA, UK and Australian. This research analyzes how those countries run their WMSD prevention systems and proposed some suggestions for our Taiwan.   By analyzing WMSD documents、official website of WMSD prevention organizations、WMSD publications and other information on network, this research discussed those countries WMSD prevention systems in four parts. After analyzed those WMSD prevention systems, this research has a comparison of all prevention systems, and provided some suggestions that can be use to improve the prevention system of Taiwan in the future.   According to the research, the WMSD prevention systems is a triangle with the government unit、national and private research units, and executive units like unions, industries and clinics. Above all those units, there is a consultation unit. The works of those units are workplace investigation, make rules and guidelines, techniques research, safety training and popularizing. After the analyzed of all those countries, this research provided some suggestions, such as: Let the Department of Labor Safety and Health and/or the Department of Labor Inspection be the main organization of WMSD prevention, establish the guidelines of WMSD workplace inspection and enforce the WMSD workplace inspection be a part of normal WMSD workplace inspections. Let the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health be the main organization of WMSD research institute. Establish WMSD research institutes in universities and support WMSD organizations formed a committee. Cooperate with the Department of Labor Insurance to establish a monitor team of occupational injuries. The main organization of WMSD prevention establishes a WMSD prevention trainer talent bank to help the main organization do the training of WMSD prevention, spreading the prevention into the workplace of Taiwan.


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