  • 學位論文

廠商研發活動與財務變數對出口比例之影響: 以台灣製造業廠商資料為例

The Effect of R&D and Financial Variables on Export Intensity:Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Companies

指導教授 : 李宜


本研究利用1995年至2009年臺灣上市櫃製造業廠商的追蹤資料,探討廠商的研發活動與財務面變數對於出口比例的影響。透過使用均數迴歸的估計結果為基礎,並以分量迴歸 (Quantile Regression) 觀察不同出口傾向廠商的研發投入與財務變數以及廠商特性對出口比例的影響。實證結果顯示廠商投入研發活動對出口比例有正向提升的效果;而廠商的生產力越高與財務限制程度越低(流動比率越高、槓桿比率越低),對出口比例皆有正向顯著的影響;不過隨著廠商出口傾向的類型不同,其研發投入與生產力以及財務變數對出口比例的邊際影響效果亦不相同。


Using a panel of Taiwan’s publicly traded companies in the manufacturing industry over the period of 1995-2009, this thesis investigates the impact of firms’ R&D investments and financial conditions on their export intensity. In addition to the OLS method, this study uses the Quantile Regression to examine whether the financial constraints and R&D investments have different degrees of influence on firms’ export intensities for large and small exporters. The results suggest that firm productivity and R&D investments have a positive influence on firms’ export intensity. Financially constrained firms (those firms with less liquidity ratios or higher leverage ratios) are likely to have small export intensities. Moreover, the effects of firm productivity, R&D investments, and financial variables on firms’ export intensities are different for large and small exporters.


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