  • 學位論文


How to Enhance Attractiveness of Employer Brand?─ A Case Study of National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology

指導教授 : 胡宜中


在少子化及全球人才快速流動的挑戰下,各企業為了能在人才爭奪戰中取得競爭優勢,紛紛投入資源建構企業獨特的吸引力,亦即透過塑造具吸引力的「雇主品牌」,來強化組織在招募與留才的效能。然而,雇主品牌除了透過外部行銷達成吸引人才的目的外,更重要的是讓企業內部員工成為品牌建設過程的核心,使內部員工的價值觀和行為與品牌的期望值相一致,否則當求職者在招募過程中接收到的雇主品牌訊息,與實際工作場域產生嚴重落差時,就會形成離職意圖,進一步影響企業後續人才招募的成效。中科院為我國國防武器研發之高科技機構,時至今日,其對內面臨員工年齡老化、人才斷層,以及新進人員留任不易的窘境。對外,尚須面臨科技業的競爭,致使人才招募不易。當此,中科院組織轉型之時,如何經營雇主品牌、提升對求職及在職者的品牌吸引力,實為當務之急,也是本研究深入探討的議題。 本研究透過德爾菲法建構出提升雇主品牌吸引力之研究架構,再運用決策實驗室法與網路分析程序法,針對個案單位招募對象及實際從事招募政策制定與執行人員之問卷填答結果進行分析。研究結果顯示,招募對象認為影響雇主品牌吸引力的關鍵準則包含「薪資福利」、「人員培訓及職涯發展」、「企業形象」、「工作保障」、「升遷機會」、「激勵獎金制度」及「自我肯定與實踐」等,而個案單位業管部門認為影響雇主品牌吸引力的關鍵準則為「研發團隊」、「激勵獎金制度」、「企業形象」、「企業文化與願景」、「營運及財務績效」、「升遷機會」、「薪資與福利」及「自我肯定與實踐」等。因此,為二者所共同重視的「薪資與福利」、「企業形象」、「升遷機會」、「激勵獎金制度」及「自我肯定與實踐」是中科院在思考如何提升雇主品牌吸引力時應特別關注之關鍵準則。 由因果圖觀之,招募對象認為中科院可以考慮從「人員培訓及職涯發展」著手,以提升進入中科院服務的意願。個案單位業管部門認為在實務上可由「激勵獎金制度」著手,進而謀求「人員培訓及職涯發展」之建立,以提升人才招募的績效及員工留任的意願。針對個案單位在雇主品牌的經營,本研究將應持續保持之「研發團隊」、「企業文化與願景」、「薪資與福利」列為中科院在雇主品牌吸引力的優勢,將應極需改善之「激勵獎金制度」、「企業形象」、「營運及財務績效」、「升遷機會」、「自我肯定與實踐」列為劣勢,結合外部的機會(政府國防產業發展政策、學研機構專案合作機會等)與威脅(國內少子化困境、科技大廠的人才競爭等),使用SWOT交叉分析為中科院如何提升雇主品牌吸引力與競爭優勢提出具體經營策略。


To face the challenge of declining birth rates and rapid Global Talent Flows, the industry has devoted resources to build its own unique brand appeal in order to gain competitive advantages in the battle for talents. By building a compelling employer brand, the effectiveness of its talent recruiting and retaining could be strengthened. However, the purpose of employer brand is not only to attract talents by external marketing, but more important to make internal employees be at the core of brand building, so their values and behavior could be equivalent to the expected value of the brand. Otherwise, when the employer brand information received during recruiting is different from working in the actual workplace, the employees may have intention to leave the job, which subsequently affects the effectiveness of recruitment in the industry. National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST), which is a high-tech institute for research and development of our national defense weapons, has encountered internal problems, including aging of employees, a skills gap and difficulty retaining new employees, and difficulty recruiting prospective employees as a result of external competition with the technology industry. Presently, the NCSIST is leading to an organization transformation. It is urgent to know how the employer brand could be operated, and how the brand appeal could be boosted, which is also the subject of this research for further study. Delphi method was applied to build a conceptual framework to boost employer brand appeal, and subsequently, DEMATEL and Analytic Network Process (ANP) were applied to analyze the questionnaire results which interviewees focused on prospective employees, staff engaged in policy-making of recruitment, and internal recruiters at NCSIST. From the research results, the prospective employees suggested the key criteria to affect the employer brand appeal were “salary and benefits”, “personnel training and career development”, “corporate image”, “job security”, “promotion prospects”, “incentive system” and “self-affirmation and practice”. However, the staff who actually engaged in policy- making of recruitment, and were internal recruiters from the personnel department at the NCSIST, suggested the key criteria, including “research and development team”, “incentive system”, “corporate image”, “corporate culture and vision”, “operation and financial performance”, “ promotion prospects”, “salary and benefits” and “self-affirmation and practice”. Therefore, “salary and benefits”, “corporate image”, “incentive system”, “promotion prospects”, and “self-affirmation and practice” were valued by both sides, and were key criteria for the NCSIST to boost its employer brand appeal. The cause and effect diagram showed that from the prospective employees’ points of view, the NCSIST could initiate “personnel training and career development” to increase their intention to work for it. However, from the aspect of NCSIST, “incentive system” should be initially established, then subsequently to put “personnel training and career development” into practice, which may improve its performance of talent recruitment, and the employees’ intention of stay. Regarding the employer brand operation of NCSIST, SWOT Analysis was applied in the research. “Research and development team”, “corporate culture and vision”, “salary and benefits” were classified as the strengths to be retained, and “ incentive system”, “corporate image”, “operation and financial performance”, “promotion prospects” and “self-affirmation and practice” as the weaknesses to be improved to boost its employer brand appeal; together with the environmental opportunities such as national defense industry policy of government, and cooperation projects for academia and research institutions, and the treats of declining birth rate, competition against science and technology enterprises. By the application of SWOT Analysis, the research intended to provide specific operation strategies for NCSIST to boost its employer brand appeal and competition advantages.


胡宜中、邱永亮、蔣鵬,2017,結合決策實驗法與網路程序分析法評估烘培師傅於國際競賽獲獎之關鍵因素,觀光休閒學報,第 23卷1期 ,頁P101 - 127。
